Alpha said:
Guys: there are other things ( or even other games )
in live than Steel Panthers.
I think this is something a few folk in this forum should remember before they go harassing the very people who gave us winSPMBT in the first place.
Personally, I still can't get over the fact that we now have SPMBT in windows, so I don't have to lug my mouse about like a bus and fiddle with VDMS sound.
When the patch is ready, it will be great, but until then, be greatful for the fact that:
a) the game is free
b) that the developers dedicate so much of their time to working on the game and answering our questions, no matter how ridiculous, regarding the game.
How many other games do you know where you can discover a bug or a gameplay issue, and that the developers will actually takes issues on board and offer advice?
I can't think of many...