The Panther said:
Just a note, KotH is using Version 2.18. I don't know if the battle replays are messed up if you are using an older version.
2.16, I hope you mean? Most recent version I know of unless maybe you're a beta tester.
I have noticed a very interesting fact in this game. Every single player has lost to independents already. Multiple times each even! With only level 6 indies, I thought people would roll through them. But it seems that all 6 players are underestimating the strength of those independant provinces. It is almost like people feel they can win with most anything since they are not at the usual 9 level. It has been very enlighting to me so far. Twice, I have seen a province not taken until the third try!
Personally, it isn't that I'm underestimating them (and I think I've only lost once to indies), rather I have felt a need to make some gambles because of how other nations were doing.
For instance : Seeing Tien Chi's pretender massing more kills every turn without dying meant that I knew TC was taking a province a turn. To try and not fall _too_ far behind, I gambled against a province with heavy cavalry, and almost took it - killed all the HC's except a leader, might have won but my prophet paladin died, causing the troops to retreat.
Under other circumstances I would've waited the turn or two to bring more forces in, and possibly still should have. As it was, I was sorely tempted to try for them again with leftovers last turn, but didn't feel I could afford to lose troops twice.
Also handicapped a little by my choice of pretenders - I felt somewhat constrained to _not_ take advantage of foreknowledge of everyone else's pretenders and castles.
As is, I hope you'll be saving all the turns - I didn't look at the last game, but I'm definately curious to see TC's charge for the Hill that started on turn 1.