
October 17th, 2005, 04:32 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
You would need to case name which I didn’t provide.
On our website (s), we no longer link to third party sites and we do not hyperlink to third party sites via email. We are required to meet the standard and any site we “use” must meet the standard or we can not use it. We had to redo two large sites because of this, along with many smaller ones. And no revisions can be published untill they have been reviewed for compliance, which is a real pain when you are trying to rush some content onto the server and it has to wait for review.
These cases are being heard as civil cases and as such are open to wide latitude as to the intent of the law. Depending on the state, the jury may more or less legislate from the jury room. We settled a case where some content that we only linked to was in question. Legal wouldn’t risk a jury award. I should add that from what I have seen, these things settle for small change. But even that can really ruin the day for someone with little or no income. Many of our contractors have been impacted as well as some of our equipment providers, because we were referring consumers to their sites via links in emails.
It’s not just web pages, it almost anything you can think of. Toilet stall widths, Ramp inclines, wall receptacle locations, types of doorknobs. And the really bad part is that most cases settle for cash, out of court, with no corrections being required in the settlement. It has become all about getting some quick cash.
Think about it

October 17th, 2005, 04:50 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Why not just do what large sites like most of microsoft do or most online game publishers do, and all extrenal links start by opening a pop up box saying you are no visiting a page outside of <site> we do not take responsibility for the content.
I am all for making sites good, and work for disabled people, but there comes to a point when people are just people and are trying to squeeze some pennys for miner flaws.

October 17th, 2005, 06:25 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Because such messages probably have no legal standing. Take for instance those 'Left at own risk' signs, you cannot remove all liability just by putting a sign up. You can limit it certainly, but not remove it.
You choose to put the link there, you are at least slightly responsible for it.
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October 17th, 2005, 08:26 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Never under estimate laywers (and people who will will use them for any excuse to sue)
Do to some wording in NAFTA, you could theoreticcaly sell sell plutonium laced baby food, naturally it would be banned and other things, but you could then turn around and sue for lost profits and win. (oh selling from one country to another.
So if Canada banned IE, given ie is integrated in to windows< microsoft could sue for llost future profits and win. Courtsy of the US lawers who created that that loop hole. i can't remeber the wording but it has something to do misapropriation, and its arbitrated outside the courts behind closed doors.
PS i have dialu p given how much i use the interent, and what i use it for i can't justify the expense. So switched from ie to get faster browseing, funny so MS pges download real fast, thier blank.

October 18th, 2005, 07:38 AM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Well as has been proved many times IE isn't integrated into Windows. They claim it is, but it isn't. I can't remember the details but it involved faked desktop screen grabs from different machines. Actually thinking about it that was earlier versions, by now it probably is or at least much closer.
And as many US lawyers have found to their shock, US laws don't actually apply outside the US. I know shocking isn't it?
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November 11th, 2005, 05:48 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Howard "Schlock Mercenary" Tayler is now officially on the Firefox bandwagon.
If you haven't switched yet, go to his site and click on the switch link in today's news. You'll get a great new browser and help keep Sgt. Schlock's Ovalkwik addiction going strong.

November 12th, 2005, 07:15 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
In my profession (real estate) we use many online resources. I am the computer tech for our real estate board. ALL of the online resources require IE for our realtors to use them. Online forms and such that we use will not function with anything else. I've tried.
So from the point of view of business applications, IE isn't going anywhere.
Nick (bearclaw)
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November 12th, 2005, 08:11 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Blame poor web site designers that do not design for standards. 

November 12th, 2005, 08:20 PM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Some of my workplace's applications are designed to use IE. [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img]

November 13th, 2005, 01:21 AM
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Re: OT: Stop IE
Is there anyway to actually delete IE. I have tried and it just pops back up, like trying to kill a virus.
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