
June 23rd, 2008, 02:57 AM
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Re: Current other active game software
With Dom3 dominating my strategy needs, I'm playing The Witcher and Vampire: The Masq. for my RPG fix ATM. Dwarf Fortress I also play when feeling creative and focussed.
For my action fix, it's BF2: Project Reality mod all the way, and has been for over a year. Man that's an awesome tactical combat game when played correctly.

June 23rd, 2008, 11:44 AM
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Re: Current other active game software
Play once in a while:
* Age of Wonders 2
* NeverWinter Nights (long ongoing campaign once a week)
* Steel Panthers (usually on the laptop while traveling)
* Fallout 2 (Recently started up again, there is a mod that has improved the graphics and another to add a great deal of content. Hope they don't screw up FO3. Not counting on this [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Cold.gif[/img] )
* Combat mission
All time Favs:
* Darklands (have this on a USB key and am able to play once in a while)
* Master of Magic
* Civ series (of course - I - III)
* Wastelands (awesome game)
* VGA planets 3 (Great game, was my only game I played for a while, tried the beta for 4 but could not get into it)
Never did the MMOs, well, when they were text-based I did (sooo long ago), never got into the money-churning EQ or WoW. (and I am glad of that)


June 23rd, 2008, 12:01 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Other than Dom3, this is what I'm currently wasting my time with:
Hearts of Iron
Galactic Civilization
Ageod's American Civil War
Crusader Kings
Gary Grigsby's World At War
I have many others that I can waste time with, but they are not currently loaded on my system. Perhaps I'll reinstall them later.
I played Stars! almost nonstop for years, the last three years playing almost exclusively PBEM on AutoHost. It was a lot of fun, but I don't think I'll go back to that again. In those days I was known as The Crusader and played almost exclusively as the Super Stealth.

June 23rd, 2008, 02:47 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
why not Hearts of Iron II?
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June 23rd, 2008, 04:03 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Sleet, what are the names of those Fallout 2 patches?
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June 23rd, 2008, 05:15 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Globulation 2 for a quick RTT fix.
Slay, by Sean O'Connor.
Occasionally SE:IV.
Triple A, a pretty darn good Axis-and-Allies clone.
Not really fond of CM. IMHO they need to actually spend time on UI -- logs, event-based autopause, SOPs -- or alternatively, co-op, if they want to make scenarios like Ash Shammas playable in a remotely realistic fashion. CM:BB was fun, but that didn't have RPGs carried by elite troops seemingly capable of reliably getting first-shot kills @ 250+ m.
Don't think KoDP, JA2 or any Fallout games work on my XP box. Unfortunate. Maybe at some point I'll see if I have a SMAC CD lying around, but I don't think I brought it with me. *shrug*
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June 23rd, 2008, 07:17 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Cor2 said:
why not Hearts of Iron II?
Hearts of Iron (the original) is just far, far superior to the follow ups in my opinion.
The game lost its soul to the new interface, just can't play HoI2.
Best WW2 strategy game I have ever played Hearts of Iron.

June 23rd, 2008, 07:24 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
I don't play all that many WW2 games, but Gary Grisby's World at War is by far my favorite

June 23rd, 2008, 08:13 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Lets see...now Im playing:
Dawn of War (I never seem to get tired of this.)
Company of Heroes (love the Mp, even if its too fast.)
Eve online (For my space fix)
X3 (got to love building empires.)
I did play Dwarf fortress but it is TOO addictive!! It is an awesome game but I dont have the time to sacrifice. Thankfully Dominions is easier to pull myself away from. I think my girlfriend feels the same too haha.
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June 23rd, 2008, 09:07 PM
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Re: Current other active game software
Lets see, where is that sig I used to have?
Something along the line of "Don't complain about the processing time of Dominions. Its their way of making sure they arent sued for starvation, popped bladders, and lost marriages."
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