
February 8th, 2009, 07:41 PM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Burnsaber: Oh, it's possible, but not from an AI perspective. The deviation of a spell is dependent on both the range of the spell and its precision, correct? Thus, what's to stop
Curse of Avalon
Range: 30
Prec: -10 (very important)
AoE: 10
Effect: Grants Luck (MR negates easily)
Secondaryeffectalways: Curse (no MR)
Sure, the computer will try to use this as a buff, not a debuff... but what if the computer can't target it more than a 'general area'? My experience is that in 'large battles' the spell will overlap offensive and defensive lines at times.
Once you get the computer to cast it, you can tune the precision of the spell to hit in the general area without always hitting the people you want.
Oh, also... is there any way to get a Battlefield Enchantment version of Haunted Forest?

February 9th, 2009, 09:43 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Originally Posted by Burnsaber
So the Master Rule of Awesome could create a F/S spell like Howl or School of Sharks, that spawns hordes of kittens, instead? 
The following response is so awesome, you need to roll awe morale check just read it. Advance with caution
Yeah, it's awesome, so it is possible. It also could be possible to make it its awesome landlubber counterpart (S/F), which bordersummons awesome T-Rexes on even more awesome fighter jets, awesomely accompanied by the whole League of Justice and the Watchmen. Unfortunatly my awesomthurgy is bit rusty and I can't make the requied monster sprites into existence by sheer force of will.
Only ones awesome enough for that kind of awesomthurgy magicks are Batman and Dr.McNinja.
Aezeal: Ahh.. the memories.. BG2 was awesome.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Burnsaber: Oh, it's possible, but not from an AI perspective. The deviation of a spell is dependent on both the range of the spell and its precision, correct? Thus, what's to stop
Curse of Avalon
Range: 30
Prec: -10 (very important)
AoE: 10
Effect: Grants Luck (MR negates easily)
Secondaryeffectalways: Curse (no MR)
Sure, the computer will try to use this as a buff, not a debuff... but what if the computer can't target it more than a 'general area'? My experience is that in 'large battles' the spell will overlap offensive and defensive lines at times.
Once you get the computer to cast it, you can tune the precision of the spell to hit in the general area without always hitting the people you want.
Mechanic is pretty cool, but theme seems like a LA man national spell. Perhaps I'll manage to have same kind of mechanic some of the missing spell combos.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Oh, also... is there any way to get a Battlefield Enchantment version of Haunted Forest?
Didn't that revive all dead troops as manikins on your side? It might be possible, but I don't how the game would respond when you cast the battlefield version when you have the global active too.
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February 9th, 2009, 10:30 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
I think you shouldn't make this mod into a "good spells with bad side effects/bad spells with good side effects" mod by accident. There's potential for cool ideas there, but I think it should be a minority of spells at most.

February 9th, 2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Originally Posted by llamabeast
I think you shouldn't make this mod into a "good spells with bad side effects/bad spells with good side effects" mod by accident. There's potential for cool ideas there, but I think it should be a minority of spells at most.
Thanks for the reality check. I gotta remember to keep the Vanilla favour. Currently there's two of them going into the mod (Trial by Fire F/S, Quickening Venom N/W), and one already done (F/N Release Inner Beast) that should be enough.
I just realized. I'm 8 spells ahead scheducle! If I manage to continue at this space, I should have the mod done by the end of month. Hopefully I (or some helpful soul :hint  will figure something for the missing slots before I get the all of the currently planned spells done.
Oh look, someone listed the missing paths combinations. How convenient!
F/A, W/E, W/S, S/E, D/E, D/W
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February 9th, 2009, 11:40 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Okay, I had spells listed, but then lost them. Here I go again.
Clinging Fumes
Range: 20+
AoE: 1+
Prec: 2
Fatigue: 30-
Damage: 5+ (AP, Fire), 20+ stun (AN, no lifeless)
Secondaryeffect: FR -25
W/E Summon Clayman, or
Bog Down
Range: 30+
AoE: 1+ (cloud)
Prec: 0
Fatigue: 50-
Damage: 10 (Poison)
SecondaryEffect: Earth Meld
Celestial Ice
Range: 35+
NoE: 5+
Attack: One person
Damage: 3 AP (x3 vs. Undead, Demon, Magic), 10 AP Frost
More later, perhaps.

February 10th, 2009, 11:13 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
I'll start with some bad news, see this spell?
X3 ---------- 2N1E - Gaia's Revenge: The caster enchants some patches of land with the wildly rejuvenating powers of the Gaia. Cloud spell that consistently entangles those in inside. (thanks to darloth for the idea)
Ench lev 5, R:20+, Fat:60, AoE:1, NoE:2+, prec:-3, cloud stays on the field for 3 turns, UW+
I have made it and it works, but my testing shows that even quickened troops are unable to escape once stuck inside! I don't know why, but that's the way it seems. I might have tp scrap this then, since anything completely unresistable holds the seed of brokeness. Two N/E mages could hold any SC indefinately still and paralyzed by just this spell. Any opinions?
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Okay, I had spells listed, but then lost them. Here I go again.
Clinging Fumes
Range: 20+
AoE: 1+
Prec: 2
Fatigue: 30-
Damage: 5+ (AP, Fire), 20+ stun (AN, no lifeless)
Secondaryeffect: FR -25
Unfortunately you can't mod that secondaryeffect. You can do those which are already in the game. Only way to reduce fire resistance is to give the unit barkskin.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
W/E Summon Clayman, or
Bog Down
Range: 30+
AoE: 1+ (cloud)
Prec: 0
Fatigue: 50-
Damage: 10 (Poison)
SecondaryEffect: Earth Meld
Heh, nasty. But I already have Gaia's Revenge. I'll probably do the Clayman summon.
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
Celestial Ice
Range: 35+
NoE: 5+
Attack: One person
Damage: 3 AP (x3 vs. Undead, Demon, Magic), 10 AP Frost
I already have quite a lot of undead hate in this mod. "Enforce Natural Order" and the best buffs (The "Seasonal winds", "Inner Beast", etc..) are non-undead only. In vanilla thought, there are few sacred hate spells. Perhaps that's one of the reasons why early sacred rushes are so powerful? But thanks for bringing the word "celestial" up, since that made figure this out:
Celestial Waters 1W1S - The caste conjures some enchanted water from the celestal planes. This water is quite refreshing and tastes good to regular mortals, but if it touches a fanatical servant of a false pretender god, it will burn her like thousand hells. (very low level, small aoe, does some AN damage vs sacreds)
Originally Posted by VedalkenBear
More later, perhaps.
Thanks and please, keep them going.
I also kept thinking on the sacred hate issue, and now I find myself wondering if I should do a H2 "smite sacreds" spell (just like smite, but on sacreds only). I know it is outside the jurisdiction of this mod, but it seems like a thematic and not too powerful way to try to fend off an early sacred rush.
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February 10th, 2009, 11:22 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
I don't believe sacred rushes are now considered overpowered, are they? I'm not sure.
You could make the Gaia spell MR-negates. I'm not quite sure what the justification would be, but it would make it more reasonable. A crazy thing you could add to it would be summoning of some vinemen as well. As in, the vegetation comes alive, some of it grabbing the enemies and some of it forming vinemen to finish them off.

February 10th, 2009, 11:23 AM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Yeah, my feeling is that probably you should leave out overarching balance attempts, like "nerf sacred rushes". That's really down to QM and CBM, and if you feel his efforts aren't sufficient you could always make a bonus mini-mod with an anti-sacred spell.

February 10th, 2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
Burn: We can't actually give resistances? How awful. That would give us so many more tools....
The reason that the Ice spell has two damage components, with one that does 'extra' damage to Undead, is so that it can actually hurt them... rather like Astral Fire is the only Fire that burns underwater, I wanted Celestial Ice to be the only type of Ice that can hurt Undead.
Stygian Flow
Range: 40+
AoE: 1+
Effect: Feeblemind

February 10th, 2009, 06:37 PM
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Re: CPCS - CrossPathCombatSpells - v0.2 is out!
You can give resistances (in chunks of 50 or 100%), but you can't take them away, because there are no spells like that in vanilla.
Most vanilla spell effects can't be modified. So, you can give +4 MR (like Antimagic), but you can't give +3 or any other value.
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