
February 6th, 2004, 10:20 AM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by undead dolphin hacker:
quote: Originally posted by Cthulu13:
Awesome report, do you take requests? Could you do R'lyeh next?
Not to steal Tacitus's thunder, but if I were to do a R'lyeh AAR, would anyone mind? Not me
R'lyeh is not really my cup of tea, if you do an AAR on them I'll be able to choose someone else (after the curent one of course, which i really must finish)

February 6th, 2004, 10:41 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
I think we are all looking forward to your next post about your tale, General Tacticus.

February 18th, 2004, 03:47 AM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.

February 18th, 2004, 10:09 AM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
All right, I'll update this evening when I come back from work.
Seems like Norfleet was right - I'm in the mopping up stage. The AI doesn't seem to handle level 9 spells too well.

February 18th, 2004, 07:05 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood

February 19th, 2004, 12:22 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
The Tien Ch'i War : prelude
The majordomo pondered the implications of the news the messenger had brought him.
According to the succubus that was toying with Caelum, Tien Ch’i had crossed from Siberia to Alaska, and was even now laying siege to Caelum’s Last fortress in Tsimshian (North America). This would upset the God’s plans. Caelum had been a weak and unagressive neighbour, which had suited Mictlan perfectly. The plans called for a gradual build up of troops, with a devil factory in North America, Mictlipoctli in Newfoundland raising undead – he was almost ready to try Behemoth – and cross breeding experiments on Mount Chaining. Then, when the Lord judged the build-up complete, Caelum would serve as a testing ground, before moving to the real powers, Ulm, Tien Ch’i, and R’lyeh.
Now those plans would have to be revised. The God was touring His Empire and looking for places of magic power, which made things more complicated. Clearly the God would have to be informed. The news on themselves weren’t bad – the majordomo had long since stopped informed the God of news of hurricanes, tidal waves, and earthquakes that seemed to come from the Empire each month – but the God would be angered if he was unable to respond to them immediately. The message must be drafted carefully, and point out from the start that the armies of Mictlan were ready and in place, or the messenger would die. And then the God would have to come back Himself to issue orders, and would be in a foul mood. The majordomo shivered.
First things first. The majordomo called his 3 fastest messengers, and sent them with carefully worded Messages to the three commanders closest to Caelum : Igarak the Archdevil and his devils, the Prophet of the God with his sacred troops – they were good enough for a small mop up war, and the Prophet was a master of Smiting – and another sun priest leading 50 banes and 50 lamias. The majordomo suggested (he was only a majordomo after all, with no power to issue orders outside the palace) that the season might be just right to take their troops on “training marches”, with full equipment, on “a general North-Westerly direction”. The majordomo hoped they would take the hint. They most likely would, since nobody could reach their position under the God without exquisite political instincts.
Then the most delicate part. The majordomo summoned his most experienced messenger, and for the next three days drilled him mercilessly, not only on the message itself – that took the messenger only a few minutes to memorize – but on how to approach the God, at what moment of the day to time the arrival while still having traveled as quickly as possible, how to greet the God, and so on. The majordomo really wanted that messenger to survive. On the dawn of the fourth day, the messenger departed.
Finally, the majordomo sent a few scores young servants and apprentice messengers, at a more leisurely pace, to the God. They would be needed to take the God’s orders to the front and back, and the majordomo knew that war brought the potential for unpleasant news- better prepare for it and make sure the persons close to the God when they reached Him would be easy to replace.

March 9th, 2004, 11:19 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
General Tacticus,
Have you abandoned this project? Or is it just on hold? I look more often than I should here to see if we will have a new installment.
I confess...I enjoy your AARs.

March 13th, 2004, 10:29 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
It probably got mutilated by the numerous patches since then.
This should probably be unstickied and allowed to sink, since Tacticus hasn't updated it in some time.

March 15th, 2004, 04:31 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by Norfleet:
It probably got mutilated by the numerous patches since then.
If anything, Tacticus should be in a better situation, since he can now recruit Jaguar Warriors in any fortress. I doubt it got mutilated. It's much more likely that he either ran out of time or inclination to write.
I agree with the realistic Irishman who said he preferred to prophesy *after* the event.
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