Just thought i'd give you all an update on the status and thanks to all authors.
Spaceempires.net Stories Status
A Capture operation to save the Empire! by Suicide Junkie
A War for the Stars by Erax
The Enemy Below and the Balance of Terror by Atrocities
The Cryslonite Imperium by Civ2buf
Once Upon the Stars by Atrocities – Uploading soon once rewrite is complete
Space Empires Volume 1: Space Empire by Sabin
Beyond the Horizon by Dracus
A New Age by Atrocities
Speaker for the Dead by Oleg
History of the Galaxy I by Various
History of the Galaxy II by Various
Reincarnation – A Game Story by jim
The Grand Saga of Empire Earth by ColdSteel
The Galactic Bash by Various
The Passerby by Cylapse
Recent history of Quadrant: Adamant 4 by Dumbluck
The Spies are Due on Deck 12 by Cylapse
Malpractice by Cylapse
Rise of the Remorhaz Society by Sachmo
The Hevordah Imperium by Ragnarok
1st Darwin’s Legacy by Various
Xenology by Various (Has been resurrected and permission is waiting for latest chapters)
Newbie Galactic Combat II by Various
Newbie Galactic Combat III by Various
Newbie Galactic Combat IV by Various – Not yet uploaded.
The Icaran Empire (a late game story) by Starhawk
The New Epoch (A ST MOD 1.51 Story) by Nostalgia For Infinity
End Game by Atrocities – Not sure if you want this Up Atrocities, Tell me if you do.
Rise of Icara by Starhawk – Uploading Soon
The Walkers by Chewy027
Treban Kendia Tregwal Wars by Civ2buf
Dawn of A New Era by General Woundwort
The Liberation of Tamarr by Raging Deadstar – Currently being Rewrote
The Ravenlock Consortium by Hotfoot
The Empire of Man by Starhawk
All of the Bold Ones are up, A couple of these were uploaded By Fyron and Atrocities. Most by myself.
I would Like to thank Everyone who posted here and helped compile these stories, Fyron especially for allowing them to be placed on Spacempires.net and i just thought i'd thank all the
Authors, everyone who is included above or helped write one of those stories (if i listed everyone we'd be here all day on some

But you know who you are and should be proud of your efforts)
And thanks for the great time i had doing this. The compiling was tedious at times but once they were up and i could reread them it was worth it (the rest will be up soon i am hoping)
Here's to many More stories for SEIV and the future Space Empires Series in the future
To quote David E. Gervais