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Old April 6th, 2009, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

If it was that big of an issue I could always send you what you would have gotten in income from the province but I dont really think it was that much anyways.
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Old April 12th, 2009, 12:54 AM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Well, Congratulations on killing Batman. I'm now teleporting Robin the boy wonder to your capital to avenge him.

And if you kill Robin I'll be forced to send the Punisher, and believe me you dont want that...

But we still have all the others, Scarface, Tiny, Big Daddy, Pekharoth, Mr. Hankey the Christmas Pooh and my Pretender Frosty the snowman is coming to pay you a visit this turn along with his 900 Hp Prophet Santa Claus who's bringing presents to the children of Arcoscephale Lets just hope for their sake he doesnt go insane like he did with me this turn and pillage and kill another 1800 of the little brats (He REALLY doesnt like naughty children).

Rudolph really wants to come play too, but I told him he has to wait for the other Monstrums errr. Reindeer to show up first.

Last edited by PsiSoldier; April 12th, 2009 at 01:07 AM..
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Old April 12th, 2009, 09:08 AM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Thanks. If it makes you feel any better, the massively parallel Hierarchs of Arcoscephale meant to enslave that 110 D gems worth of Tarts, not flush them down the void toilet. Thirty-nine Astrologers spamming Soul Slay was plan B. (Pardon me for saying: it was like watching a microwaved bowl of popcorn kernels explode into nothingness at a picnic.) Whatever gets the job done....

Also - you may have noticed - but the good people of Arcoscephale aren't exactly flocking to Frosty the Slow-Man in droves. Probably your recent treatise on the virtues of genocide has something to do with it....
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Old April 12th, 2009, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Originally Posted by analytic_kernel View Post
Thanks. If it makes you feel any better, the massively parallel Hierarchs of Arcoscephale meant to enslave that 110 D gems worth of Tarts, not flush them down the void toilet. Thirty-nine Astrologers spamming Soul Slay was plan B. (Pardon me for saying: it was like watching a microwaved bowl of popcorn kernels explode into nothingness at a picnic.) Whatever gets the job done....

Also - you may have noticed - but the good people of Arcoscephale aren't exactly flocking to Frosty the Slow-Man in droves. Probably your recent treatise on the virtues of genocide has something to do with it....
With the fall of Ermor this turn and the complete absense of what was left of his dominion you are about to see my dominion increasing a bit faster so you might be speaking a bit soon about the dominion.
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Old April 13th, 2009, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Well my dominion may still not be encroaching on your lands yet but you might have noticed a sharp upward spike on the graph for dominion. Once the dominion vacuum of Ermor's old lands has been filled you might see something happen in your own lands.

P.s. Thanks for the leprosy. I'm returning the favor to ya about 6 fold.
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 06:01 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Nice war we've been having lately.
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 06:05 PM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Yeah you have done pretty well considering. I tried last turn to overwrite your Arcane Nexus with my own and failed wasting about 300 Pearls too..
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

I dont know how much longer your dominion will last out though. Its starting to drop at a pretty good rate now.
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 06:23 PM

analytic_kernel analytic_kernel is offline
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Well, I think the dom has been getting killed mostly from that stroll your pretender took through my territory, and now by your prophet with the Ark. That prophet is one nasty SC, btw - I bet I'll lose some Ether Warriors taking him out if they get the chance.

And, yeah, I'm also surprised I've lasted this long. Given that this is the first MP game I've ever played from the beginning, I didn't even expect to be in the "finals".... I'll see how many more fun experiments I can perform before I get overwhelmed by sheer numbers and incomes. :-)

When it comes to globals, I'm apparently my own worst enemy. I won't be protecting important mages with the Pelt of Fenris anymore, now that I fully understand the berserker effect. If you can't take down my globals, let me take them down for you.... (I would have kept Sylvanos out of battle, but it was do or die time as far as breaking that siege was concerned, since all those Tarts were starting to tear down my defenses.)
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Last edited by analytic_kernel; April 22nd, 2009 at 06:35 PM..
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Old April 22nd, 2009, 06:55 PM
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Default Re: Procyon - One age - Started!

Well there are a few other things happening with dominion too. Silly me having just realized I have all those priests sitting around that can be blood sacrificing... I was having too much fun trying to kill them with the Ankh and get Reanimators I didnt even think about just having them blood sacrifice instead. Ive been spending all my Blood Slaves on Vampire Lords but I suppose I could just cast a Big Astral Corruption and Wait for the Dom Kill to play itself out so you cant really use the Gems you get from the Nexus. Which would also mean no more Tarts for me but Oh well.

With me having 49 temples and building 3 more this turn and setting about 30 priests to start Blood Sacrificing I dont think your 5 temples will hold out for long.. Your dominion had only been holding out so far because I hadnt yet hit the 10 candle mark in all those provinces I took from LA Ermor but that is coming soon. But you have made the last few turns interesting at least. My policy had just been to contain you and to wait for Dominion to grow but you have done a pretty good job of throwing out your oppressors
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