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Old March 27th, 2010, 05:40 AM
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

rdonj, I've some of the player's emails already. I'll send you what I have.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 05:49 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Okay, so currently there are 23 players signed up and rolled for. If the game gets another player I know which nation they are getting. I will start letting people know their nations a few hours from now.
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP
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Old March 27th, 2010, 06:24 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Seriously WL, if you want to take me up on my offer to play it was genuine.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 06:26 AM

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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Vote for 11 VPs.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 08:28 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Ok, version 0.7 of the map is attached. The change-log and start locations are as follows.

Start Locations

Twenty one Land....

#1 --- 30
#2 --- 22 *** Too good?
#3 --- 65 *** Six adjoining, but two are wastes, and in fairly exposed spot.
#4 --- 66
#5 --- 67
#6 --- 76 *** Too good?
#7 --- 89 *** Connected 89 - 85 to ensure four adjoining.
#8 --- 140
#9 --- 152
#10 -- 153 *** Too safe?
#11 -- 157 *** Removed connection 157 - 161 to stop overlap with water capital at 139.
#12 -- 164 *** Only three adjoining. Will balance either by finding another adjoining, or give adjoining gold/resources mines, large province tags, add farmland etc.
#13 -- 167 *** Swamp start, can easily remove the swamp though.
#14 -- 202
#15 -- 206
#16 -- 207 *** Removed all the 'many sites' tags that were near here.
#17 -- 232 *** Connected 232-222 to ensure four adjoining.
#18 -- 247 *** Removed connection 247 - 245 to ensure three provinces between capital at 272
#19 -- 267
#20 -- 272
#21 -- 287

Three Water....

#1 --- 139 *** Removed connection with 168 to ensure only three adjoining, and to maintain distance from other water capitals.
#2 --- 265 *** Connected 265 - 7 and 265 - 251 (I advise enabling the neighbour connections UI option.)
#3 --- 33

All Land capitals should be between 3-4 provinces away (ie.Cap-Indy-Indy-Indy-Cap) from their nearest neighbour.
All Water capitals should be 6 provinces away from both other Water capitals. With approach access available from both sides, so all three can have 2-on-1 wars.

As you can see, I've made comments regarding several of the starting locations. These are not based on any testing, but more a gut feeling of unease I have about some starts being a bit better than others. This is just part of the game though, as no way for this to ever be solved unless you play on totally symmetrical / mirror imaged maps. I've made note of them though in case some are just too outside the norm. Will await feedback on these before I attempt to do anything about them.

Also commented on where I've had to change the default province connections and why. Here is the full change list regarding province connections, and the reasoning behind them.

New Water Connections

192 - 227 *** So that Water is wraparound.
227 - 266 *** So that Water is wraparound
265 - 251 *** So that Water is wraparound. Need to add a new river to the map for clarity.
5 - 266 *** So that Water is wraparound. Need to add a new river to the map for clarity.

265 - 7 *** So that the Water capital at 265 has three adjoining

176 - 171 *** To remove isolated water province, be consistent with river connections, and enable more tactical options. Easy enough to remove this connection though if people think it's unneeded or just simply a bad idea.
183 - 68 *** To remove isolated water province, be consistent with river connections, and enable more tactical options. Easy enough to remove this connection though if people think it's unneeded or just simply a bad idea.

Removed Water Connections

168 - 139 *** To ensure fairness with only three adjoining for Water capital at 139, and to maintain equal distance between all Water capitals.

Removed Water - Land Connections

161 - 157 *** To ensure that the Land capital at 157 does not share an adjoining capital province with the Water capital at 139.

New Land Connections

85 - 89 *** To ensure capital at 89 has four adjoining.
232 - 222 *** To ensure capital at 232 has four adjoining.

Removed Land Connections

245 - 247 *** To maintain minimum three province gap between capital at 272.

Almost all the changes to connections are for balance purposes. I've also tried to give the Water nations a fighting chance to get on land by giving their capitals Land adjoining provinces that are not part of a Land nations adjoining capital province. If that makes sense?!? I'm also hoping this will help slightly with the Dominion spread problem that Water nations often have when the water is elongated. (like it is on this map)

Install Instructions --- Unzip the attached file, called "Alexander_no_sites_for_YARG2.map", and put it into your "dominions3\maps" folder. Then when starting a new game, you should see the map selectable as "Alexander_No_Sites_for_YARG2".

The Alexander map itself can be found here....
If you are visitng this thread, please thank Pashadawg for creating the map.

I think that's about it. Made a reasonable stab at balancing the starts. One or two I'm a little unhappy with, but 24 is a lot of nations as I've already noted. Also a little worried about the number of start locations that are in forests. Mainly because there are not that many forests on this map anyway, and a lot of nations like building forts on forests. So may add a few forests here or there. Most likely where there are forests already.

I hope I've listed all the changes I've made. Apologies if I've missed any though. (and let me know if I have)

Also, please please please provide feedback if you encounter any problems with the map, or indeed if I've made changes that you just don't like or agree with. For example connecting the isolated water provinces which weren't needed to make the water wraparound. I am more than happy to receive any sort of negative feedback, indeed it would be most welcome if it helps improve the map. One thing that won't help at all though is if you spot a problem, but then don't report it for some reason. If you see something, then post it or PM it to me, and I'll try and fix it. Once the game is up and running though, it will be a lot more hassle to fix things (if indeed they can be fixed at all by that stage).

Finally, and most importantly of all. If you are testing this map, and you see a starting location that isn't listed above under the list of "Twenty one Land" "Three Water", then contact me asap, since nations not starting where they should will really mess up the game. I've started about a dozen all EA nations games to test the starts, and so far they've always started exactly where they should. But like I said, if you experience differently, it's very important that you mention it before the game starts.

I hope to get the visual editing of the map done by the end of the weekend. It should play fine as it is, but want to have the map borders visually matching the changes I've made before we get underway. (you will all then have to download a ~35mb file to see the visual changes)

That's all for now folks
Attached Files
File Type: zip Alexander_no_sites_for_YARG2.zip (4.8 KB, 91 views)
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Old March 27th, 2010, 08:55 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Rounding up a few things....
Originally Posted by WingedDog View Post
Thank you very much for your efforts. .
Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
Those sound like good modifications, Calahan. Thanks for all the work. I would prefer nice, fixed starting locations for a game of this size.
No problems guys, I'm only too happy to help where I can Just hope I've done a good enough job of it.

Originally Posted by Zeldor View Post
Ok, nations are rolled and sent to rdonj.
Best thing about Early Era for me is that Zeldor can't give me bloody Man again like he did when rolling nations for YARG1 and Forge of Godhood

(***Smile immediately wiped as I don't even need rdonj to contact me to already know Zeldor has given me someone like Agartha )

@ WraithL - I vote for 10 VP's.

@ rdonj - Many thanks once again for offering to admin the game. Wouldn't be possible without your kind help and assistance. And I look forward to bombarding you endlessly with PM's whenever I spot a staler

@ Zeldor - Thanks for rolling the nations once again.

From the YARG1 thread
Originally Posted by WingedDog View Post
......P.S. Glad to see you back, Cal.
Glad to be back WingedDog and certainly happy to see you still around my friend. Along with all the other usual forum suspects. Now if my real life could just stop interfering with my real life, everything would be absolutely fantastic!

Edit: Damn, I passed the 1,000 posts mark without even noticing. I had a big party planned for it and everything Wonder if I get a telegram off shrapnel or something for achieving this milestone?

Last edited by Calahan; March 27th, 2010 at 09:11 AM.. Reason: :(
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Old March 27th, 2010, 10:03 AM

Zeldor Zeldor is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Huh, I didn't save the copy of rolled nations, so only rdonj now knows who is who, unless he sends me a copy of the PM I sent him :P I remember some of nations rolled, but not yours, Calahan

LA Agartha guide
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Old March 27th, 2010, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Seriously WL, if you want to take me up on my offer to play it was genuine.
Oh man, given your post's tone I was under the impression you were just being cynical. Good thing that you cleared that one, albeit somewhat at the last moment. To tell the truth now there's kinda of a conflict situation re. the last spot

How about if I do the following:
Today I'll wait for chrispedersen to confirm whether or not he'll join. He said he wants to yet has RL limitations that may prohibit that. In case he's not interested/can't join/doesn't respond today then you'll get the last spot. In case he does want to join then I think the fairest resolution to the conflict is to flip the coin. I'll ask Zeldor to kindly roll (so that he'll be the bad guy )

sounds ok?

In any case were now fully booked. I'll update first post to reflect that.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: YARG2 , 24 players EA RAND game [rolling nations, 23/24 ]

Squirrelloid, forget all that that. You're in for sure
You see I made a silly mistake and left out the 9th spot, so it was actually vacant the whole time.

The last player may either be chrispedersen or, he he can't join, the next player who expresses interest to join.
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Old March 27th, 2010, 12:27 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: YARG2 , Non-Newb EA RAND game [Enlisting 23/24]

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
@ rdonj - Many thanks once again for offering to admin the game. Wouldn't be possible without your kind help and assistance. And I look forward to bombarding you endlessly with PM's whenever I spot a staler

Edit: Damn, I passed the 1,000 posts mark without even noticing. I had a big party planned for it and everything Wonder if I get a telegram off shrapnel or something for achieving this milestone?
You're welcome I... uh, am looking forward to it! Yes. By the way some people were missing you on IRC :P

Nah, unfortunately you do not. Unless perhaps you are johan's cousin or something. I missed my 2,000th post too, I was kind of looking forward to that. Now I'm a few hundred beyond that. Whoops.

Also, the first round of nation picks is out, going to people who sent me their emails first. I'll finish this up over as soon as the pm limit lets me.
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP
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