If I recall correctly, there 3 contenders now (one hidden [Kazarp ?]). I think it is getting quite hard to remove the stack of contenders even for allmighty king
It was suggested to add one more level (above the top) to the hill. But the counterargument was that the king might have to wait for the opponent for a long time.
I would like to propose 'The Collapsing Hill' idea. Its point is to upgrade the current KOTH format adding these rules:
1. If the winner moves to the level just beneath the king+contender and the contender slot is occupied, then the new level is automatically formed. New levels can be formed only immediately beneath king+contender.
2. If after finished game the level is emptied, it is deleted, and the hill collapses.
E.g. see the current KOTH standings. If 'The Collapsing Hill' idea were applied, then standings looked like this:
K+C: 1 game (Stone Mill-1FSTCAT)
New1: 1 game (RexTorres-Kazarp)
Top: 1 game (Cheeze-Asmala)
Middle: 4.5 games
Bottom: 7 games
If Stone Mill-1FSTCAT game is finished first, the winner plays the first winner from New1.
If RexTorres-Kazarp game is finished first, the winner moves to the level New2. But as the New1 level is emptied at the same time, the winner moves back to New1. The winner plays the first winner from Top, or the winner of Stone Mill-1FSTCAT.
If Cheeze-Asmala game is finished first (and nobody wins from the middle), the winner moves to the New1. But as the Top level is emptied at the same time, it collapses, and the players in the New1 level (winner of Asmala-Cheeze, RexTorres, Kazarp) find themselves in the Top.
This system allows only one contender at a time, and one player waiting for the opponent in each level. In total, the number of players waiting for the opponents should decrease.
Some players have to play more games than others to reach the K+C level. (because of collapses)
However I am not sure if it is a dissadvantage