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Old September 2nd, 2009, 10:32 AM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Indeed. And I was completely convinced I could take him =)
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 10:53 AM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

I'd like to thank everyone involved too. Definitely a learning experience, and worth all the time I put into it. Kind of sad to see it end

Anyhow, I enjoyed the team format. Maybe 12 on a side was way too much to coordinate effectively or easily, but perhaps a game with 3-5 on a side (and perhaps more than 2 teams) would be very interesting.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 11:08 AM

iainuki iainuki is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Thanks for the game, veterans. I certainly learned a lot. I don't feel I came in with much MP experience at all, though I first took over Squirrelloid's well-played position so I didn't have the chance to botch up the opening.

I'd love to play in another team game. Honestly, the thing I dislike most about MP dominions is the diplomacy, because it is an arbitrary timesink and the more you do the better your position, so I'd rather take on the more-defined commitments of a team game instead. Septimius, if you're planning anything like NvV in the future, count me in. I'd be willing to help admin, too, though if you're not thinking the near future, I might like to try to develop a game myself?
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Thanks for the game everyone.

Even though I was knocked in to irrelevence early on I still enjoyed it

I like team games but I agree that the teams here were too large. I understand why they were for this format. But smaller teams would normally be my preference.

I agree with a lot of Iainuki's points about diplomacy, although I like ordinary mp too for all that. I wish there were more team games but most require at least some fiddling with the map files (to put the teams together) and as most games are played by the game creator that can cause issues I imagine.
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 03:07 PM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Final stats for the game:

LlamaServer Scores, NoobsvsVetsIII_Revolution turn 36


Nation Provinces
Independents 11
Arcoscephale 15
Ermor 0
Pythium 28
Ulm 48
Marignon 19
T'ien Ch'i 1
Machaka 20
Agartha 34
Abysia 46
Caelum 4
C'tis 23
Pangaea 31
Vanheim 21
Jotunheim 11
Bandar Log 14
Shinuyama 45
Ashdod 4
Eriu 0

Nation Forts
Independents 0
Arcoscephale 4
Ermor 0
Pythium 5
Ulm 7
Marignon 2
T'ien Ch'i 2
Machaka 6
Agartha 5
Abysia 7
Caelum 2
C'tis 7
Pangaea 7
Vanheim 6
Jotunheim 2
Bandar Log 4
Shinuyama 7
Ashdod 0
Eriu 1

Nation Income
Independents 612
Arcoscephale 1790
Ermor 0
Pythium 4837
Ulm 4852
Marignon 1644
T'ien Ch'i 531
Machaka 3368
Agartha 3320
Abysia 5210
Caelum 406
C'tis 4564
Pangaea 3022
Vanheim 2329
Jotunheim 946
Bandar Log 2119
Shinuyama 4347
Ashdod 261
Eriu 22
Gem Income

Nation Gem Income
Independents 7
Arcoscephale 14
Ermor 0
Pythium 56
Ulm 33
Marignon 29
T'ien Ch'i 11
Machaka 72
Agartha 43
Abysia 38
Caelum 3
C'tis 53
Pangaea 34
Vanheim 45
Jotunheim 9
Bandar Log 10
Shinuyama 83
Ashdod 7
Eriu 5

Nation Research
Independents 0
Arcoscephale 2331
Ermor 223
Pythium 5912
Ulm 3972
Marignon 4485
T'ien Ch'i 2444
Machaka 9718
Agartha 3293
Abysia 2878
Caelum 3703
C'tis 9378
Pangaea 1472
Vanheim 5990
Jotunheim 1280
Bandar Log 2731
Shinuyama 4084
Ashdod 1685
Eriu 2336

Nation Dominion
Independents 0
Arcoscephale 307
Ermor 0
Pythium 500
Ulm 391
Marignon 253
T'ien Ch'i 390
Machaka 259
Agartha 321
Abysia 209
Caelum 190
C'tis 390
Pangaea 359
Vanheim 233
Jotunheim 340
Bandar Log 76
Shinuyama 449
Ashdod 14
Eriu 159
Army Size

Nation Army Size
Independents 896
Arcoscephale 483
Ermor 0
Pythium 1568
Ulm 3300
Marignon 1111
T'ien Ch'i 191
Machaka 1627
Agartha 1948
Abysia 1429
Caelum 210
C'tis 1040
Pangaea 834
Vanheim 1173
Jotunheim 489
Bandar Log 717
Shinuyama 2426
Ashdod 18
Eriu 84
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 04:03 PM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

I claim victory.

We should definitely do another noobs and vets game. We could either do:
* equal numbers on each side (heh heh heh)
* a mix of teams of two vets and teams of three noobs (say). This way the number of vets and noobs doesn't have to (remotely) match up.
* teams of mixed noobs and vets.

If we go for the last option, my suggestion would be:
* teams of three.
* each team of three should be balanced re: experience level of the players, ideally would include one veteran, one moderately experienced player and one noob.
* the less experienced players within a team should be *required* to take whichever nations a given team drafts first.

This game is better MP meaning more than two teams - any game with two teams immediately becomes total war, which makes it hard for any of the late-game-research dependent nations to really thrive.
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 04:07 PM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Here are the rosters from all 3 games in the series. I am grateful to all those who participated, especially those who participated in more than one game.

Special thanks goes to rdonj in the roles of player, co/backup game admin, noob forum admin, and general technical adviser and to Llamabeast, for the use of his excellent server.

And very special thanks to the entire Dominions 3 Shrapnel community for their input, support, and enthusiasm, without which, nothing would be possible.


Septimius Severus - [R'lyeh]
Lavaere - [Bogarus]
rdonj - [T'ien Ch'i]
Alpine Joe - [Utgard]
Lumen Placidum - [Ulm]
Darloth - [Jomon]
pyg - [Midgard]
Aristander - [Gath]
Amonchakad [Agartha]
Giant Moth - [Man]

GrudgeBringer (standby/alternate)
PsiSoldier (standby/alternate)
Arcturus42 (standby/alternate)
Jachra (standby/alternate)

Lingchih - [Pangaea]
Iron Hawk - [Abysia]
Evil Homer - [Mictlan]
Big and Scary - [Ermor]
Quantum_Mechani [Pythium]

Zeldor (standby/alternate)
NvV II: Mysteria's Revenge

Septimius Severus - [Ermor]
Grudgebringer - [Fomoria]
Ossa - [Sauromatia]
Lavaere - [Lanka]
Illuminated One - [Mictlan]
viccio - [Abysia]
LumenPlacidum - [Agartha]
Darloth - [C'tis]
Stretch - [Vanhiem]
P3D - [T'ien Chi']

Unoptimized (standby/alternate)
mikh4il (standby/alternate)
majuva68 (standby/alternate)
Jachra (standy/alternate)

Lingchih - [Niefelheim]
TheDemon - [Caelum]
atul - [Atlantis]
Ironhawk - [Helheim]
Quantum_Mechani - [Hinnom]

Zeldor (standby/alternate)
namad (standby/alternate)

NvV III: Revolution

Noob Team.............................................. .........Vet Team

Septimius Severus [Pangaea] ........................ Lingchih [Ermor]
LumenPlacidum [Machaka].............................. namad [Ashdod]
viccio [Abysia] .................................................. TheDemon [Marignon]
melnorjr [Arcoscephale] ................................... Baalz [Eriu]
Lavaere/Hoplosternum [Bandar Log] ............. atul [Vanheim]
Squirrelloid [Shinuyama] .................................. DrPraetorius [T'ien Ch'i]
Joelz [Ulm]
Hoplosternum [Jotunheim] .............................. Alternates
Skinu/Iainuki [Caelum] ..................................... Hadrian II
Pelthin [Agartha]
TwoBits [Pythium]
Raiel [C'tis]


Don't want the fun to end? Watch for these future games currently under consideration:

Noobs vs. AI's

Noobs vs. Vets: Alumni/Graduates

Noobs vs. Vets vs. Noobs

- Septimius Severus

Last edited by Septimius Severus; September 3rd, 2009 at 04:16 PM..
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

Originally Posted by DrPraetorious View Post

We should definitely do another noobs and vets game. We could either do:
* equal numbers on each side (heh heh heh)
* a mix of teams of two vets and teams of three noobs (say). This way the number of vets and noobs doesn't have to (remotely) match up.
* teams of mixed noobs and vets.
Your first suggestion would be the Noobs vs. Vets: Alumni/Graduates I mentioned.

Your second and third would be the Noobs vs. Vets vs. Noobs, or whatever the name may be. Your right I think people would like multiple small teams headed by a single vet.
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 04:35 PM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

The game being officially over now, the game's threads are now archived. The archive is here.
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Old September 3rd, 2009, 07:41 PM
Squirrelloid Squirrelloid is offline
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Default Re: Noobs vs. Vets III: Revolution, MA, CBM. Game Over. Noobs Triumph!

I could be convinced to play NvV:Alumni or multiteam N+V. I'm getting my first taste of lategame now, but I imagine i probably fall into middling experienced category at this point.
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