Urd has been mine for a few turns. The attack on the province east of this was attacked before the truce was in effect and I posted that the army was already en route as I had sent the turn to Thrawn before reading your truce post. That army was defeated, retreated to urd, and has the remnants are already reassigned or enroute to my capital.
This attack on Urd by your serfs was after the loss of my force in the east province and they had been shuffled around after the loss of one of the Dai Onis. This is why this was mentioned. You'll notice that no Yomi forces have made any aggressive moves for at least 2 turns.
This is what I posted:
Some of my Dai Onis and their retainers were already en route to the province directly east of Urd last turn (I forget the name), but we are willing to halt any further aggressive action and come to an agreement. However, the only "little bits" I have seen have been the remains of Yomi's enemies that the Dai Onis' have to pick from their teeth. Those guys are big eaters.