Not using unitviewer. Secondshape descriptions should be fine in newer versions.
- Some new unit/item generation code. Not all I want, but it seems to work so hey, why not release.
- Ability to give custom sprites to secondshapes. You need to specify both #spr1 and #spr2, but #spr2 can be "shift" which uses #spr1 and shifts it 5 pixels to left like all the attacksprites in unitgen. Don't use "" for filepath like in Dom3 normal syntax and specify paths relative to unitgen (see the nightmare for example.). If someone makes a good case, I'll add the same code to pretender gods so custom pretenders can be made.
- Secondshapes can inherit some of the abilities their firstshape has. For mounts this is limited to resistances and berserking, but for non-mount secondshapes there are some extra things that work. This stuff is defined at /nations/secondshapeinheritance.txt so take a look if you are interested in specifics.