Wierdest battle i ever saw.
I was playing Abysia in SP and at war with Vanheim, they had a small army of 1 herse (HoF quickness ability) 2 skinshifters, 3 Valkeryies, and 9 assorted infantry that attacked a bloodhunting province with 5 PD and 2 warlock apprentices. I had anticipated this and scripted my apprentices to retreat immediately, but when I opened the battle view I found them surrounded by ~46 bloodslaves instead of the 7 I had been told they both had collected that turn.
In the fist couple turns, Dag the herse (vanheim quickened commander) sped past his own troops and my PD towards my apprentices that were trying mightily and unsuccessfully to wade through a bog of slaves to make it offscreen. On turn 3 the valkeryies attacked my apprentices and ran into the bloodslave screen, and my PD made contact with the Vanheim infantry. The next turn 1 of my apprentices was able to find an opening and make it offscreen, my PD broke and as all troops were now retreating my Abysian Warlord started retreating as well. Then either a bloodslave or the heat aura of my Last remaining apprentice killed a Valkeryie causing the rest to flee, evidently seeing his opening the Last apprentice slipped through the bloodslaves and offscreen. Now it gets wierd. As soon as the Last apprentice got offscreen the bloodslaves suddenly started behaving like an offensive unit! They turned, and ran straight for the Vanheim commander (who had completely bypassed the PD/infantry battle with his heroic quickness) Then my Abysian Warlord turned around and started fighting again! Evidenly the AI decided there were troops again and he was no longer forced to retreat. On the next turn my heroic bloodslaves pummeled Dag the herse to death with their fists! Which caused all Vanheim forces to retreat since they had no other commander! But suddenly my Warlord started retreating as well! But the slaves kept advancing, and the warlord whipped around and did another 180 the moment he was behind the slaves! (evidently he wasn't a lead from the front type of commander) The end result was me with ~32 victorious bloodslaves holding the field, along with 1 Abysian Warlord. To make matters even wierder, I now have 3 blood slaves sitting in the garrison of the province in question!
Very, very strange.
I was using v2.13 btw