Difficalty: Normal
AI Advantage: 200%
November 1941
Lt.Colonel Dolya oredered to take forward element of the 134 separate tank brigade and assault the enemy postion
KV-1 company: 7x KV-1/1941
Tank Destroyer company: 9x T-34/57 TD, HQ 1x T-34/1941+ HQ
2 Rifle companies
SPAA platoon: 4x GAZ-AAMG
AA Gun battery: 5x 25 mm AA Guns
Art Observer
Hvy mortars battery 5x 120mm mortars
howitzer battalion assigned to provide fire support:
Hvy howitzer battalion 4x 152mm battery
Temporarily attached :
T-34 company: 10x T-34/1941+
1 Flame Tank plt 3x OT-132
Marine engineer company:Eng, FT Eng, 8x Marine Eng plts
2 cavalry Sqdns
7 light trucks plts
203mm howitzer bn 4x battery
152mm howitzer bn 4x battery
122mm howitzer bn 4x battery
0000. Force deployed. Cavalry screen ordered to locate the enemy line. Engineers on trucks, from the Baltic Fleet Marines should clear the mines if any found. After that tanks and infantry should go into action.
0000. Force deployed. Cavalry screen ordered to locate the enemy line. Engineers on trucks, from the Baltic Fleet Marines should clear the mines if any found. After that tanks and infantry should go into action.
0100. By sheer chance couple of BF 109 stamble upon brigade and attaked. One T-34 immobilized, one truck is lost. Now enemy is aware of the task force psition. One BF-109 is shot down by AA gun. Lt.Colonel Dolya ordered to move column as fast as possible in the hope to get away from ineviatable second strike. Our howitzer stated to hit the space before our force.
0500. BF 109 strike again and escape. One GAZ-AAMG and one truk are lost. AA fire was not successful.
Scouts report contact with germans. They are getting fire from the pillbox and infantry, but unable to locate them.
Engineers dismounted from trucks and ordered to clear the way for tanks.