StarFury Editors...
We have a slotmodder, and a system generator and the animation buddy (Thanks to SJ and Malfador for these).
Still, after adding approximately 30-40 ships to SF, loading them all up, adjusting firing points, engine glows, sizing them just right, etc...
I don't think I'm going to want to even look at a text file. I'm surprised that no one has made a mission editor, or a store editor, or a component editor. For some of the mods out, it probably would have been faster to write the editor and then type in all the data, then it would have been to actually use notepad for the whole bit.
Now, considering the growing age of the game, would such an editor even be worth writing? A simple "Text-In -> Text-Out " application would be quick and easy, the most difficult parts would be GUI and logic behind what is and what isn't allowed in a field, and we have a modding file guide for that.