Updated to 1.2 - Now with 100% less fear and semi appropriate fort types.
In an ancient time, the fear of dark magic drove the judges of Necropolis to persecute and exile spell-casters. One of these, a crone called the Withered Witch, lay a curse upon the city before her expulsion from its lands. When the residents of Necropolis die their souls do no depart their bodies. Instead, the mind remains trapped within an animated decaying corpse. When the flesh at last falls away they yet remain as disembodied ghosts. The Necropolitains will live forever, unable to pass on to the next realm... tormented. That is unless their new god can gather the all power of the world and break the curse.
Necropolis is a theocratic city-state inhabited by a cursed people. When their bodies die their souls remain and animate the corpse. These everdying are known as purgators. Powerful ethereal wizards and semi-dead priests rule the City of the Everdying and command armies of living infantry and dead elites.
This mod nation was originally made for Dominions 2 by Zepath. All I have done is updated it to work with dom3 and very slightly changed some values.
I will produce a CBM version of it at a later date, which will be rebalanced and further modified. As this version is basically the dom2 one adapted to dom3 I will not be updating it, save to fix any serious bugs.
It's attached.