Turn 18
Betraly most foul. Marignon attacks in Questria (99) and overwelms my province defence.
I start building a fortress in Ralothia (64).
I move my forces into postion to bebuff the attack. I move 4 thurges and 10 communicnats to Dathen (74).
The Thurges are scripted as follows:
Quickness, communion master, falling frostx3
Quickness, communion master, divine blessing, thunderstrikex2
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, falling frostx3
This should be more than sufficient to destroy any army at this stage of the game.
Income: 832
Treasury: 50
Turn 19
I Marignon retreated. I will press into the lands that are mine by divine right. My main army with 13 communicants, 4 thurges, and 36 men proceed northward.
I bring my ghost King back to Pythium. He will be assigned the task of conquring the south.
I continue to conscript as many communicants as I can.
I build a temple in Dathlen.
Income: 835
Treasury: 9
Turn 20
Misfortue strikes the capital: Ill omens plague the lands.
There was a battle in Questia. My forces engaged those of marignon suffering no losses. The rabble from marignon broke at the 1st sight of my magical might.
The army Presses on into Carnnag ( 112 ) a land long under the oppresive rule of Marignon.
My Pretender moves into Welrydh ( 35 ) a waste province guarded by HI and archers.
Income: 793
Treasury: 25
Turn 21
My army met more marignon rabble and tossed them aside like chaff. No losses were incured.
My pretender took Carnnag. He fought an intesting independent and will spend 1 turn searching this province just in case something turns up. Also this provnice has an unnaturally high unrest.
I have formed another army in Ralothia ( 64 ) . Comprised of 15 communicants, 4 thurges, and 42 men it is my strongest army to date. It will attack Summerlands the land of the empires 1st defeat.
My thurges are scripted as follows:
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, divine blessing, falling frostx2
I construct a lab in Dathlen.
Turn 22
Both armies are successful. However the thurges did not select the best targets in Ralothia and the heavy cav was allowed to make contact with my men. Due to this miscalculation 3 men died.
Wormfood found a magical site, but nothing of great importance. It is possible that the province is a blood site.
My 1st army presses on to Marignon. The battle will be swift. But the sige will not he has a citadel.
My 2nd army presses on to Ogdan Mirks ( 94 ) home of over 70 barbarians. They will feel the magical might of Pythium.
My pretender press south to Barr ( 19 ) proteted by some 20 men.
Income: 892
Treasury: 19
Turn 23
Misfortune strikes. heavy snowfalls in holburg result in the loss of 100 pounds of gold.
My pretender was of course successful.
The barbarians in Ogdan Mirks ran before the magical might of Pythium. They never even came close to the front lines.
The battle for Marignon was swift as well. However one man was killed by a lucky crossbow bolt.
I see that marignon controls Solam ( 143 ) and I am making no progess against his walls. I move my army from Marignon to Solam.
I move my 2nd army to Florien ( 98 ) guarded by burgmeisters.
My pretender attacks Obalshin ( 12 ) which is guarded by heavy cav. This could be a problem. We shall see.
Income: 1079
Treasury: 1
Note: This is the Apex of Pythium's power in my mind. A couple of armies back by communicants in the early-mid game which are for all intents and purposes invincible. This is why one plays Pythium.
Turn 24
Finally Marignon gives battle in Solam. A handful of knights of the challice and a few casters square off against my communion powered army. It is not even a fight. One knight outflanks the screening Principes and gets right before a theurg before he is electrocuted by a thunderbolt.
The burgmesiters are obliterated by thunderbolts. And finally wormfood is successful once again. Sadly he gained yet another afliction. He is now limp, weakened and has lost an eye. But he will fight on.
My 1st army moves back to Marignon. Somehow he has assembed a sizeable force there including his pretender.
I move my 2nd army to Dubros ( 110 ). And my pretender moves to Obalshin ( 12 ).
Income: 1202
Treasury: 45
Turn 25
Good fortue strikes: Oak hills has it's tax revenue increased by 20 permantly!
The battle in Marignon was swift and brutal. As is really requied by Communion.
Marignon counter attacked in Exibothia with a large army comprised of chaff, knights and casters he easly defeated the province defence.
The battle in Dubros was successful, however Pythium suffered a grevious blow Fenlius the mage was killed by an arrow. He will be missed.
My pretender was successful in Obalshin.
I form my 3rd army in Rolothia, 18 communicants, 5 thurges and 40 men form into battle lines.
My 1st army contines to seige Marignon.
My 2nd army attacks Entwoods ( 124 ).
Income: 1278
Treasury: 331
Turn 26
The battle of marignon was feirce. In the end 6 pythium warriors died. But the destruction on marignon's side was complete. In the battle of entwoods a stray crossbow bolt killed a Principe. He will be missed. And my pretender was successful in Ostmark.
My 1st army continues to seige marignon. However the Theurges start to use their holy power not to seige but to preach the word of god. If we can not break down the walls perhaps we can stuff outt he god iside through the power of faith.
My 2nd army attacks Exlbothia. My 3rd army moves northward to Ogdan Mirks. My pretender moves northward to Eribon. This move could well be his Last for it is defended bn 130 ichtyids and ichtyid warriors.
Turn 27
My pretender is successful. And the battle in Exlbothia is quick as always.
My 1st army continues to siege.
My 2nd army moves to Corbion, just taken by Marignon Last turn.
My 3rd army moves to Florien.
I begin to form up my 4th army.
My pretender moves to Dommen ( 20 ).
I construct a lab in Mud Wood. And a fortress in Grey Mirks.
Resarch update: I have acheived tech 6 in construction I am moving to conjuration.
Income: 1532
Treasury: 555
Turn 28
My pretender was successful. As was my 2nd army. The marignon army in Corbion moved to Entwoods and avoided my army.
My pretender moves to Ossory ( 21 ).
My 1st army will continue the seige/preaching his dominion is down to 2 in his home province.
My 2nd army will Move to the Rift of Zyx ( 147 ) held by marignon.
My 3rd army will move to Dubros ( 110 ) to stop marignon's army if he moves forward.
And I form my newest army my 4th which is comprised of 20 communicants, 5 theurges, and 30 men. It forms up in Grey Mirks.
Income: 1580
Treasury: 599
Turn 29
Good fortune: the defence of Salom was raised by 5.
Marignon assassinates one of my communicants. This is one of the problems with Communion you really can't protect your communicants and they are assassin fodder. You just have to live with it ( unless someone knows a good way to stop it ).
My pretender was successful at taking his province.
My 3rd Army destroyed the raiding force from Marignon with no losses.
And my 2nd army destoryed the army of marignon in the Rift of Zyx with no losses.
My pretender moves to Elderhill ( 23 ).
My 1st army continues the siege/preaching in marignon.
My 2nd army moves to Andoria ( 156 ) which is held by marignon.
My 3rd army moves to Entwoods ( 124 ) which is held by marignon.
My 4th army is setup and scripting is set:
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, thunderstrikex3
Quickness, communion master, falling frostx3
Quickness, communion master, divine blessing, falling frostx2
And I move it to glimmering fields ( 43 ).
I construct a temple in Grey Mirks
I construct a lab in Questria.
Income: 1628
Treasury: 735 ( time to build more! ).
Turn 30:
Misfortune strikes in mud woods my lab burns down.
The battle of Andoria was like all battles quick and deadly. No losses were suffered. The battle of Entwoods was the same. My pretender was also successful.
Good news! The Citadel of Marignon has been breached! I can storm it now!
The 1st army storms Marignon.
The 2nd army moves to Copos ( 139 ) which is as far as I can see the Last Marignon territory.
The 3rd army attacks Black Alps ( 114 ) which is guarded by nightmares and amazons. Usually this would be a difficult battle.
The 4th army attacks Juec ( 39 ) begining the war with T'ien Chi ... they are very outnumbered and so will be out maneuvered for the 1st couple of turns.
Sadly my pretender can not attack Moloch's Scythe since it is guarded by raptors and they would be able to attack him before he could buff. He cay come back with a staff of storms. He moves to Pythium for some well deserved rest.
I construct a temple in Questria.
I construct a fortress in Devil's Green.
I construct a lab in Grey Mirks.
I construct a temple in Meer.
I construct a temple in Eryx.
In addition to my normal 2 theuges, innumerable communicants, and host of principes, I being recruiting sages in Questira.
Income: 1700
Treasury: 6
It's turn 30 so I may as well give a snapshot of how things are going. I control 38 provinces and almost have my side of the map locked up.