Max values/game mechanics question
As a caveat I'm trying to do "stupid" (future combat) things that the game really wasn't designed to do with it, but I have some questions on some of the values for vehicles.
So I'm curious if there are maximum values for ground vehicles in general in the following areas?
Range finder (Does going above 22 do anything extra?)
Stabilizer? Is 6 the high value, mobhack turns red at 7
Survivability? Again is 6 the highest?
Vision. Is 50 (GSR) the best or is there a point to going higher?
FC, obviously higher is better, but will 75 or 99 FC give big bonuses compared to the 50-60's on the current high end units?
Also with regard to the "radar" FC starting at 100, do the values also translate to ground engagement once you subtract the 100. I.e. FC 160 vs air would it give a FC of 60 on ground targets? I.e. I want to combine or make dual purpose AA units.
Which armor does HE pen work against KE or HEAT? Does it set of ERA?