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Old September 27th, 2001, 09:54 PM
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Default Custom map generation programs

Playing around with the map editor, I found that there were certain map features that I'd like to add. I can do them manually, but it would take days or perhaps even weeks to make the kinds of maps that I want. [Imagine each warp point leads to a sector and each sector has a dozen stars with a dozen or more planets stacked 'under' each star.]

Is it possible to get the .MAP file spec so that I can create a utility to auto-generate these high density maps for me?
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Old September 28th, 2001, 07:26 AM

Andrés Andrés is offline
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

Try modding the data files to create quadrants and systems, maybe you can make the game randomly generate the maps you want.
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Old September 28th, 2001, 12:17 PM

Lemmy Lemmy is offline
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

Imagine each warp point leads to a sector and each sector has a dozen stars with a dozen or more planets stacked 'under' each star.

sounds like a cluster type map to me.
The only way to get the .map spec is probably figuring it out yourself.
You could try and ask Aaron for it.
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Old September 28th, 2001, 12:55 PM
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

sounds like a cluster type map to me.

I don't think that's what he had in mind. It sounds more to me like each square in each systm is a solar systm of it's own, so instad of just on planet or maybe a planet and a few moons, a square could have a sun and dozens of planets in.

SE4 Code:
L GdY $ Fr- C- Sd T!+ Sf-- Tcp-- A% M>M+ MpD! RV Pw Fq+ Nd- Rp+ G-
/SE4 Code
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Old September 28th, 2001, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

Bingo! A very high density map with a dozen solar systems per system map. Basically the scale would be one light year or more per square. For example, Sol and all of its planets would just be a single square on the system map. Any mobile unit would be an FTL unit. (Fighters might be tricky since I want them to be agile, but non-FTL. Still too new to the game to know if they will be a problem or not.)

The question/request about the .MAP file spec still stands. Given the map editor, I could eventually figure out the file spec. But, I'd rather be working on utilities than reverse engineering a file layout.

[This message has been edited by zircher (edited 28 September 2001).]
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Old September 28th, 2001, 05:38 PM
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

(Fighters might be tricky since I want them to be agile, but non-FTL
Give thier engines the "afterburner" ability only: they then get good combat movement, but no map movement.
You'll have to make the fighter engines big, since only one per ship would be effective.
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Old September 28th, 2001, 06:42 PM

Cyrien Cyrien is offline
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

Your problem interested me so I tried something along those lines...

This is the result and the problems I saw right off.

First it doesn't display the star on top but the Last item for that sector created.

All the stars are considered part of the same system so are labeled that way.

The planets are labeled as Whatever Star A, B, C, etc. probably has to do with being right over the star. Hrmm... Come to think of it, it most likely relates to the planets being considered moons of the Star.

Also you might run into some other problems with technology. A star destroying component would be devestating. And those Crystaline resource generators.

Ermm... I don't know.. you might get some error message about atmosphere or something or maybe not. I just copied from my standard files and I know I have modded so much stuff that I can't keep track of it. Though this should be close to what you want regardless as the error Messages I got weren't fatal or crashing type things.

I tried this with 4 stars randomly positioned with rings and then some planets and asteroids and a mix. Something like this what you had in mind?

PS: I whipped this up in a few minutes while I had some free time so I in no way guarantee any minnimum of quality in it.

[This message has been edited by Cyrien (edited 28 September 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Cyrien (edited 28 September 2001).]
Oh hush, or I'm not going to let you alter social structures on a planetary scale with me anymore. -Doggy!
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Old September 28th, 2001, 07:29 PM

Kadste Kadste is offline
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

This idea sounds great. It would obviously allow for a much greater density of planets.

There would be three levels of movment.
1) Inside a solar system (only in combat)
2) Intra-system (non-warp capable shipe)
3) Inter-system (warp capable)
Makes for lots of possibilities

Is there a limit to the number of planets in a game? (hard coded or something?)

Would every system connect to all adjacent systems, so you could freely around?

Never Give up, Never Surrender!
In difficult ground, press-on;
In encircled ground, devise stratagems;
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Old September 28th, 2001, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

> Your problem interested me so I tried
> something along those lines...


>This is the result and the problems I saw
> right off.
> First it doesn't display the star on top
> but the Last item for that sector created.
> All the stars are considered part of the
> same system so are labeled that way.
> The planets are labeled as Whatever Star
> A, B, C, etc. probably has to do with
> being right over the star. Hrmm... Come
> to think of it, it most likely relates to
> the planets being considered moons of the
> Star.

That works for me. I can always try putting
the a star first and Last so that I get the
best of both effects.

> Also you might run into some other
> problems with technology. A star
> destroying component would be devestating.
> And those Crystaline resource generators.

Removing or changing the techs may solve that.

> Ermm... I don't know.. you might get some
> error message about atmosphere or
> something or maybe not.

It appears that the program is smart enough
to handle that without error.

> I just copied from my standard files and I
> know I have modded so much stuff that I
> can't keep track of it. Though this
> should be close to what you want
> regardless as the error Messages I got
> weren't fatal or crashing type things.

I'll give it a try tonight.

> I tried this with 4 stars randomly
> positioned with rings and then some
> planets and asteroids and a mix.
> Something like this what you had in mind?

Just from the mesage context, it appears to
be on target. Looks like I'll need to dive
into the quadrant data file and see how it

> PS: I whipped this up in a few minutes
> while I had some free time so I in no way
> guarantee any minnimum of quality in it.

Still, I appreciate the effort. Y'all have
been most tolerant of my mad hatter ideas.

[This message has been edited by zircher (edited 28 September 2001).]
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Old September 28th, 2001, 07:38 PM

chewy027 chewy027 is offline
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Default Re: Custom map generation programs

What would the combat be like? Wouldn't the tactical screen be full of planets all clustered around the middle? That might prove to have some interesting battles. Imagine attacking a "system" with say 9 planets. How would you even be able to get at the planets toward the center? All the ones on the periphery with platforms or fighters could easily defend a planet in the middle. It would take a huge fleet to wipe out a "system" like that.
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