Server IP Address:
Port: 8096
Late Era, random map of 20 provinces per player, renaming enabled.
Quickhost or every 48 hours.
If you have a stale turn twice in a row, you'll become a computer player.
75 turn limit, unless its still close.
scores will be posted regularly at:
Abysia - DireAussie
Arcoscephale - Zachariah
Atlantis - Lingchih
Caelum - duncanshriek
C'tis - Tequilich
Man - Cicadian
Marignon - Meglobob
Midgard - coobe
Patala - Reverend Zombie
Pythium - WraithLord
T'ien Ch'i - Blofeld
Ulm - Lord_Bob
Utgard - Yucky