What is not clear to me is how the different Ratings/resistances, etc, all work together.
For example, does Emissive armour stack. If I have 4 10Kt emissive armour with 31% damage resistance, do I get 124% damage reduction?
It doesn't look that way, otherwise I would get repairs for free...
Let us look at defence and attack Ratings.
I figure my ship currently has:
Attack rating: 175 + 175 + (14 offensive skill) = 350
Defence rating: 82 + 33 + 30 + 31 + 32 + 175 + 150 + (14 defensive skill) = 547
with -640 target attack rating from Scanner Jammers.
(This is with level 30 to 32 components.)
So, how does this all used in calculating battles.
It seems that Missiles will always hit, so attack/defence Ratings are, umm, useless there.
I would guess that the attack/defence rating is used to calculate direct fire weapons. Some kind of roll percentages. However, at some point, the relative increases in numbers have little effect.
If the offensive skill and defensive skill are just added into the Attack and Defence rating, they are small enough to not matter.
This partly comes from wondering where to put the skill points when increasing levels.
If offensive and defensive are just added to the attack/defence Ratings, they become so small after a few levels that they are unimportant.
Negotiation is supposed to lower cost of components. However, money is never an issue once I get a ship that can kill ships for their droppings to sell.
Hull repair, Armour repair, they increase so sloooowwwly that getting them up to something useful is just painful. Better off carrying hull plates, etc.
Shield repair, well, I was putting lots into that. However, I have 6.5 there, and 14 through 80kt worth of Shield Regenerators. My shields never go down....
Emergency shield capacitors never have enough juice to add useful amounts to my depleted shields. I run through my entire stock just doing one rebuild. (Mind you, I have 10,000 shields in 280kt.
Power system repair, well, if my ship is bad enough that power systems need repair, I'm doomed anyway.... Thats what Hull plates are for.
Now, looking at the components, they have a linear growth in capabilities with level. For some capabilities, this makes sense. For others, a larger increase might balance better. And for others, a shrinking increase might be better.
However, one needs a decent understanding of how the capabilities are used to "play with the equations". Which is where I kinda want this to go.