Since my Mara game filled up in just a few hours, I thought I'd host another one. It'll be an EA game.
Players: 6-8
Map: Probably a home-made subsection of Cradle or something, around 120-140 provinces.
Mods: None
Schedule: 24 hour quickhost (game hosts after 24 hours or when all turns are in, whichever's sooner), at least for the first 40 or so turns
House rule: No more than one level 9 bless.
How to upload your pretender:
- Go to Game Tools -> Create a pretender god in Dominions
- Go to the savedgames/newlords folder in the dominions directory, and find your pretender file (e.g. mid_pythium_0.2h)
- E-mail the file to: pretenders[ at ]llamaserver[ dot ]net
- Crucially, you must have the game name, 'Chupacabra', in the subject line of your e-mail. Watch the spelling!
You can see who's joined so far at .
Okay, we have:
Abysia - hako
Marverni - Izzyz
Mictlan - Ubercat
Agartha - LazyPerfectionist
C'tis - sum1won
Caelum - AreWeInsaneYet
Pangaea - Schaedelbaron
T'ien Ch'i - Aethyr