I think it is intended, in order to prevent negative budgets from supply costs on units in play. For example- If I have 20 million income. Over three turns I dont increase my income, but buy units having more than 20 million in supply cost, I would either start losing units, or be in a negative balance. This being a beer and pretzels game I think the dev probably chose to make it simple and not give players budgeting and accounting nightmares to have to deal with.
Consider how much money you have as your 'buying power' per turn instead of actual funds.
Originally Posted by brent_allen
This issue is made worse by the fact that you can run out of money and still supply any number of units without penalty.
You pay for supply after you collect income,. so early in the game you never have to worry about supply being more than you have. But later in the game,..on larger maps,..it is possible to have enough units that supply on them takes up your entire income............