Originally Posted by paulo
I've noticed a wide variance in the way the AI fights- I've seen aggressive and tough to beat and also incredibly weak, poor judgement. Is there any reason for this? It doesn't seem to depend on the nationality, troop strength or the time period. Thanks for your continued work on this good game though.
Here's an important clue.
The AI is focused primarly on capturing high value VH's wherever they are.
Location of them makes each battle different.
You can modify reckless AI behaviour by setting the Vhex's yourself, and setting on important objectives to more realistic,like hills bridges villages ect.. that makes more sense.
Consider changing the values of VH's to appropiate values
ie,an VH worth up to 245 pts in open with clear FoF for you,
will likely be a turkey shoot,and not alot challenge.
But if you strategicaly place them and modify values
"fairly" then you'll might get something totally differnt and more of challenge.
The map situation and objectives make the battle