1. Castle Defence Bonus (-0.5)
I don't think I have seen negative castle defence bonuses, but try it. It might work. Being mindless would make them poor at defending, but I don't remember anything else atm.
2. Oceania Stealthy only in water?
Oceania has two times the units shown: first ones are the units underwater (with stealth), others them on land (without stealth). This could be much bigger chance, like from Lobster-riding Arch Mage to mere Arch Mage.
3. How I can I mod shortbows (or whatever) to be Poison Arrows (normal arrow damage + weak poison or strong poison)?
4.26 #secondaryeffect <effect nbr>
This secondary effect will affect anyone harmed by the
weapon. See table 7.
4.27 #secondaryeffectalways <effect nbr>
This secondary effect will affect anyone attacked by the
weapon, no matter if it was a hit or not. See table 7. Only one of #secondaryeffectalways and
#secondaryeffect can be used.
Table 7:
Effect nbr Type of effect
50 Weak Poison
51 Strong Poison
52 Death Poison
53 Delibitative Poison
54 Paralyzing Poison
4. Is #heal recuperation?
Yes. (Haven't tested, but should be by the dscription.)
5. How do you mod units so that they are capital only?
By rewriting units of a site that allows recruiting them, and adding that site as a starting site. National starting sites of the nation to be replaced are best, because then you (or your enemies!) won't be able to recruit Super Hyper Necromancer from every Library.
6. How do you mod a nation's starting spells?
9.3 #school <school nbr>
Magic school for this spell. If school number is -2, the spell is national spell.
9.4 #researchlevel <level>
Exception: If the school is -2 the level is the number
of the nation
However, this removes the spell from the list of researchable spells. If the spell is added in the map (#startspell or similar), this doesn't happen (IIRC, it's a long time since I have seen that used).
7. How can I create and determine a nation's heroes?
You can't add any new heroes, but can replace existing national heroes. Except for their name, unless
7.45 #nametype <name type nbr>
can be used.
You can remove all heroes by #clearheroes.