/me Steps onto the Soap Box
The loss of any child or loved one is a far more devastating than the death of an actor. But most children and loved ones are not as well known as the actor therefore when they die, the actors, more people will feel the impact.
There was no news story on the new about the death of my sister, her passinger, or even the a mention of the accident at all.
But when a teenage girl in Portland is killed because her boy friend feel asleep at the wheel, well that is an epic tradgedy and worthy of news reporting.
I have no love of the media and as far as I am concerned if they don't report one death as equally as they do another than what right do they have to tell me who I should feel sorry for or morn? If God did not want us to suffor he would have made it so death was as acceptable as drinking water.
It all boils down to who you know or what you know dictates how you feel about hearing of someones passing. It doesn't really matter who it is, if you know them or know of them, then the loss is felt more deeply than if you did not.
The loss of a child hurts us all, if it didn't, then we would not fight so hard to protect them. They are perhaps one of the most important things we protect and would die to save.
/me Steps off the Soap Box.