-1°) impossible to send some gods on solo !!!
well it seems if you wish to make a moloch (for abysia in my case) that will go soloing provinces on its own,
that is no longer possible in dominions 2....
what is that about ? well "whenever the moloch goes into battle, imps come to his aid" and they fly to the ennemy, are killed easily and the moloch retreat cause of .... no army !!!!!
-2°) some spells cast with no use at all
a commander having an air shield from start of battle (in my case that was a holy prophet, with air-shield cause of bless effect) that cast an air-shield spell at first round ..... (no spell researched at all)
the commander could have used that round to do something more useful: like casting offensive spells .... (range was not the matter as during all the retreat of ennemy, my commander kept casting offensive spells at the ennemy, so he could REALLY cast something else than an "air-shield spell" ...)
-3°) personnaly I would like an advanced battle AI editing tool that would allow anyone to do his own advanced scripts to be used in any game (something that would include conditions, loop and such programming language)
I don't know if I could wish for "advanced battle AI editing tool"

. something tells me that the game does not handle that