I play sp from time to time too and enjoy it. Today i had the thought that it would maybe possible to allow the AI to recruit it's national troops in every province of the map.
Would this tweak be possible for a future patch of dominions, Kristoffer or Johan?
This way there would be no need to program a castle building algorith and a SP-War vs. e.g. Ulm would hopefully then be 60% Ulm national troops and 40% Indies and not 90% Indies and 10% national troops as it is now

If this change would be possible to do it would be a quick and simple but very nice enchantment for SP imho

If not i am likely making a small mod (17 mods) where all nations have 1 resource cost as recruiting costs for their troops expect the one nation the player choses. This way the ai could at least recruit 50 national troops each turn and more when it conquers some of my castles or discovers independent castles like firbolg castles
