Originally Posted by wulfir
However, it is possible for players to edit the campaign themselves - say increase the repair points if so desired. Or change tha campaign from FIX to OPEN and purchasing their own Core (it's also possible to change nation from US ARMY to whatever - your support will still be US but you might want to play the campaign as maybe Britain..., take the Bundeswehr or the Polish army for a spin in the desert etc...)

I've completed the first 3 battles so far, and will keep fight'n 'till Tehran, that's certain! Great job + a lot of work you must've invested in this campaign, the maps are great!
I suppose missions are going to get tougher all the way - in order to make it a bit more interesting + to try something new, I am playing this using a modded South Korean core force. Haven't suffered a total loss so far, and after 3 battles most of my troops have reached veteran level and have thus become similar to US Army quality.
A couple of sugesttions:
Enemy air strikes --- during battle #2 you had 2 J-7s on the Iranian side, which didn't show up. Maybe they had a reinforcement turn which was set a bit late - took me less than 10 turns to complete this battle. I suspect enemy air activity is going to increase anyways but in general, I'd suggest to add a bit more - the odd Helo here + strike there can make things more interesting.
ATGMs: During battle #3, none were present - even though terrain + visibility would've been ideal for them. I took a lot of time looking for them by using scouts + helos,,,
Mines: Could be used more.
Enemy reinforcements: Maybe they arrive a bit late during battle #3 - I played rather carefully but had all my tanks positioned in the eastern part of the map for 2 turns already, waiting for the thing to end when they finally came. So it was a turkey shoot. If you wanted it to be like this, so be it - had they come 2 turns earlier, I might have had some losses...
Also, in the street fights you could let some reinforcements spawn in the rear of the attacker, like if they'd been hiding in the sewer system, which can stir things up a bit...
End-battle summaries: Could be written - a lot of work to do so tough...

Great job!

Should be included in the next patch!