This is the thread for the second Dom 3 RAND game. This is a RAND game because:
1. Nations will be randomly assigned;
2. Players will be anonymous until they are defeated (the non-playing host will know the ID of players); and
3. There will be no diplomacy of any kind.
One player once described a RAND game as like playing single player but with human AI�s.
This is a PBEM game (that is, Play By Email).
The Settings:
Era: Middle Age
Map: Rim of Darkness
Victory Condition: VP's in player capitals; Need 7 to win.
Conceptual Balance Mod (Full Boat) Ver. 1.21
Indies 7
Site Frequency 50
Money 100
Resources/Supplies 100
Random events common
Score Graphs on
Hall of Fame 15
Standard Research
Renaming Off
Hosting schedule: Daily turns through Turn 15, and then switch to a Sunday / Tuesday / Thursday schedule. Deadlines will generally be at 9:00 p.m. Boston time.
Here is a link re Boston Time for your convenience.
Boston Time
The nations in the game are:
Abysia (Wraithlord)
Ashdod (Calmon... who lead them to VICTORY!!)
Caelum - Played by Don_Corazon; Dead Turn 16
C'Tis - Played by Quantum Mechani / Baalz; turned AI on Turn 37
Ermor - Played by Zeldor, and then Anticipatient; Turned AI on Turn 40
Jotunheim - Amhazair
Machaka (Moderation)
Marignon - Lingchih
Pythium - Played by Ramshead; Went AI turn 43.
R'lyeh - Atul
Shinuyama - Played by Micah; Dead turn 24
Tien Chi - Zensei
Ulm - Shmonk
The players:
1. Micah (Shinuyama)
2. Moderation (Machaka)
3. QM (C'tis)
4. Wraithlord (Abysia)
5. Calmon (Ashdod = Winner)
6. Amhazair (Ulm)
7. Atul (R'lyeh)
8. Don Corazon (Caelum)
9. Zeldor (Ermor)
10. Zensei (Tien Chi)
11. Ramshead (Pythium)
12. Lingchih - Marignon
13. Shmonk - Ulm