Re: patch 2.08 is out
New Features / Game Balance Changes v2.08:
This patch is the second patch for Dominions II. Version 2.08 can read save files from older Versions but not the other way around. This means that everyone in a multiplayer game must upgrade at the same time.
* New theme for Arcoscephale, The Golden Era.
* Selectable number of starting provinces.
* Armor modding.
* Basic weapon modding.
* Basic spell modding.
* Epic Messages for some global enchantments.
* Dominions can now connect to name ip addresses like
* Improved spell AI.
* Commander renaming.
* Speedup of particle effects.
* Trippled maximum nbr of particles on screen.
* Symbols for Ocean Sailing, Inquisition Bonus, Supply Bonus and more.
* New switches: --closed, --easyai, --normai, --hardai, --impai
* New switches: --preexec, --startprov.
* Sphinx cannot teleport.
* Most travel spells (all but teleport) cannot be used by immobiles.
* New battle afflictions.
* AI can use new dominion themes as well.
* New resolutions, 1600x1200, 2400x1800.
* New monster mod commands, #gemprod, #startdom, #pathcost, #noheal, #demon.
* Leadership is now moddable.
* Resistance modding (#fireres etc.) fully implemented.
* Atlantian scout protection 4 -> 2.
* Jotun Hirdman ring mail -> chain mail.
* Ermorian Cultists are holy.
* Serpent Acolyte gained 50% poison resistance.
* Units with 'Hold & attack' fire during hold if possible.
* Can cancel on 'enter name of god' screen.
* Cold blooded is printed among enc modifiers.
* Sphinx cost 100 -> 60.
* Nether darts dmg 20 -> 15.
* Jade Emperor gets air magic.
* Jaguar Warriors not capital only
* New weapon, Light Lance.
* Charriots have lower defence
* The 'View Active Mods' button now displays the active mods.
Bug Fixes:
* Microsoft C-compiler upgraded 5 service packs. That should fix a whole lot of bugs according to Microsoft's change log. Also an impressive almost 1% speedup. This fix is Windows only.
* Unix systems slept for too short a time. This resulted in a non working --fps switch and a higher cpu usage than necessary.
* Caelum likes cold +3 again (bug introduced in 2.06).
* It was possible to summon many of one unique Heliophagus, fixed.
* Fixed battle weirdness when troops would refuse to attack.
* Many non area spells were twice as effective and/or hard to resist as they should be.
* No longer possible to give assassinate order to non assassins.
* AI no longer chooses a special dominion after they have been disabled in a mod.
* Shortcut 'P' didn't work for sneaking preachers.
* No more 'lost one eye' for eyeless beings.
* Local province defence is now affected by Gift of Health too.
* Flaming Arrows works with composite bows too.
* Description for Sanguin Heritage.
* One Ulm Commander had wrong weapon.
* Astral Serpent & Stone Bird no longer yield attack reduction.
* Fires of the Faith could raise dominions too high.
* No more underwater void summons overwater.
* Witch doc, research 5 -> 3 and cost 90 -> 80.
* Demons no longer affected by Burden of Time.
* Carrion dragon has wrong bless effects, fixed.
* Modding commands #startscout and #clear didn't work.
* Mod Version numbers are printed correctly.
* Some typos fixed.