Mod idea: No nebulas or black holes.
I earlier posted my quadrant and system mod that got rid of moons and black holes. Then I thought to myself: "Too many wasted systems with nebulas. Let's make them productive." So what I did was edit the mid-life quadrant only.
I removed all storms from it and redid the percentages like so:
1) The 3 standard systems 15% each.
2) Destroyed star and asteroid 5% each.
3) Binary 1-3, 10% each and..
4) Binary 4 - Trinary 5% each.
Then i played a medium size game with 3 home worlds to start and hey! it is cool! Every system except the destroyed star and asteroids has useful planets. The AI spreads quickly and builds up it's fleets. And every system is important. I'll upload it if anyone's interested.
Know what a wish sandwich is? That's two pieces of bread....and you WISH you had some meat!
I'm back from the Big House, singin' Da Bluze!