Skirmisher said:
Hello folks,
Is there any way to entrench one unit at a time? Entrench all is nice,but to me it looks dumb when the assualting force is also entrenched. Is there any way around this?
Deploy the defenders first then entrench them. Deploy the attackers next and don't . "Entrench all" works by player. If you click on the enemy P2 side first then "entrench all" the P1 side will not entrench (don't use auto deploy or they will entrench ). However, if you want some attackers entrenched and the other not deploy the entrenched ones first and entrench all then buy the troops you don't want entrenched and place them on the map but DO NOT press entrench all )
That's the long answer. The short answer to "is there any way to entrench one unit at a time" in no but you can work around it