
October 27th, 2006, 03:55 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Perfect! Thank you! If you let me know any information you wish to have known in the credits, I'll put ya in 

October 27th, 2006, 04:09 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Just credit James "Combat Wombat" Phillips
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October 27th, 2006, 05:53 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Woohoo! I've got the formula parser working. It will now evaluate a formula and tell if its valid or not. I can also plug in values for any "variables" in the formula and calculate the answers.
Next steps: Formula wizard to help create formulas and show the values of the formulas at various levels.
Getting close! 

October 27th, 2006, 08:33 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Here's some shots of the Formula Wizard - it's turning out quite well, actually.
Valid Formula:
Invalid Formula (with explanation of error):
I'm just about done with the formula wizard. After that, I need to debug the column sorting and reordering in the facility list (it works MOST of the time, but sometimes not, so I need to find out why and fix it) and then package it all up with an installer.
Once I release the initial version, I'll start on the component editor.

October 27th, 2006, 08:41 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Here is something that may catch you:
What is 100 + 10 - 10 - 100?
And another good one is:
100 / 2 / 2 / 2
Also ask yourself if the answer should be rounded off.
Things you want:

October 27th, 2006, 01:48 PM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Yeah... SE5 has its own unique interpretation of arithmetic.

October 27th, 2006, 02:07 PM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Suicide Junkie said:
Here is something that may catch you:
What is 100 + 10 - 10 - 100?
And another good one is:
100 / 2 / 2 / 2
Also ask yourself if the answer should be rounded off.
According to the wizard, the values for those are:
0 and 12.5
I have no idea how SEV does its rounding. The library I'm using does all the calculations as doubles (floating point values).
Are there some strange rules that SE5 uses that I should try to put in the calculator?

October 27th, 2006, 05:38 PM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
This editor is absolutely fantastic.
Top notch work Devnullicus! 
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October 30th, 2006, 07:10 PM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
ok, now that the facility editor is done, I've started on the components editor. There sure is an awful lot of info for each component! I had to go to a tabbed Form just to hold all the options! Anyway, here's a few screenshots to show what the GUI layout will be:
General Tab:
Requirements & Abilities Tab:
Weapon Tab:


October 31st, 2006, 12:57 AM
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Re: SE 5 Editor
Dev will your editor take into account mad men with nuty mods? For instance one weapon I made has this range formula:
0 - iif([%Range%] < 20, 0, iif([%Range%] < 50, 10, iif([%Range%] < 90, 20, iif([%Range%] < 140, 30, iif([%Range%] < 170, 40, iif([%Range%] < 200, 50, iif([%Range%] < 230, 60, iif([%Range%] < 250, 70, iif([%Range%] < 270, 80, iif([%Range%] < 500, 90, 0))))))))))
And another has this damage formula:
iif([%Range%] <= 10, 80, iif([%Range%] <= 20, 70, iif([%Range%] <= 30, 50, iif([%Range%] <= 60, 40, iif([%Range%] <= 90, 30, iif([%Range%] <= 130, 20, iif([%Range%] <= 240, 10, iif([%Range%] > 241, 0, 0))))))))
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