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Old January 17th, 2007, 03:30 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

My first on-line game would be with my own Mod? This must be some kind of a new record. I have been saying I want to try an on-line game so I suppose this is the best chance. I get to bug test and play an on-line game. There are still experimental components that may not work as they should. However, I am still up for it. Someone would need to host and is there a set of instructions on "how to" process and submit your turn so I can know what to do? Finally which version would be played; the Full or Lite? I am playing a solo self vs self game of the Lite version now.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 17th, 2007, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

why go Lite when we can KICK YOUR BUTT! at full
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Old January 17th, 2007, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

ROFL, ya I'm not trying to fool myself into thinking I will win my first on-line game. I suspect I will get pounced pretty quickly. The Lite or Full version depends on what style of component progression you want.

SFTC Full = By "the book" style components in an SE4 style Generational progression. It allows you to retro build ships too. Let's say we have a treaty and I am two tech levels above you. You want me to build cream-of-the-crop warships and sell them to you for your use. I build the ships and tell you they are the best I can build. In fact they are fleet quality for my empire. In truth they may be two tech levels above you but are two tech levels below my real ability. You think they are top of the line because the only readings you have gotten of my ships are the pickets I let you see. Which are purposely two tech levels lower than my best. Keep in mind "tech levels" is just for example. Each High Tech level has sub-levels with various components.

SFTC Lite = This is SE5 style component progression. No retro-build unless I have completely missed that toggle button in the Empire screen.

Best to read the FAQ with each, that will give you a detailed description. Full version is going to allow you much more intricacy at the empire-to-empire level and empire level. Using the above example do you really want to picket your borders with the best of the best? Keep in mind this is an Open Beta. If problems are found in the game I can patch them then and there. There shouldn't be any "game breakers" if you know what I mean. I patch it and the turns won't work anymore. However; since it is still a Beta, I can't promise anything.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:01 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

I have updated the heading description to clarify the difference between these two version of the same mod:

SFTC: The components progress in an SE4 fashion; that is they are Generational. This version structures progression and allows retro-construction of ships, bases, fighters, etc.

SFTC-Lite: The components progress in an SE5 fashion; that is they are Progressive. There is less structure in progression and no retro-construction.

Q: Ok PES but what is "retro-construction"?

A: Lets say we are allies and I am two "tech levels" above you. You are in a war and want to field ships with better technology for an added advantage to your forces. You pay me to design and build the best ships I can. I do and sell them to you as "fleet quality ships for my empire". In truth the ships are old technology for me even if they are new technology for you. That is retro-building. To the best of my knowledge this can't be done in SE5; unless I missed a toggle button.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:27 PM

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Default Re: Bugs ?

I'd be up for a test game to help sort out the bugs and such.

As for which version to play, I've always prefered Se4's ability to use older equipement in new designs, allowing for a much richer cost vs. benefit approach to ship design. That being said, SFTC Full, all the way!
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Old January 17th, 2007, 06:46 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

I have to agree, the ability to fool your enemy and ally into thinking you are a technologically backward empire was one of the strongest motivators for making two versions. One version that I think is the proper way to play (SFTC) and one that fits mainstream SE5 (SFTC-Lite). The problem with SFTC is that you have to right click to find the next area for research. SE5 can't handle the call for two requirement tech areas. I have reported this problem to Aaron and it does not effect game play or the components in any way. For some reason it just stops the component picture from being displayed in the Science window.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 18th, 2007, 02:30 AM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

President_Elect_Shang said:
My first on-line game would be with my own Mod? This must be some kind of a new record. I have been saying I want to try an on-line game so I suppose this is the best chance. I get to bug test and play an on-line game. There are still experimental components that may not work as they should. However, I am still up for it. Someone would need to host and is there a set of instructions on "how to" process and submit your turn so I can know what to do? Finally which version would be played; the Full or Lite? I am playing a solo self vs self game of the Lite version now.
Are we still having problems with PBW? I'm sure Geo would upload the files you need to play...If we use PBW, I would certainly considert playing as well...
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Old January 18th, 2007, 02:45 AM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

I have no idea how it would work. You would have to ask Geo but I think he has all of that fixed now. Since I have never done this before I would have to be a follower. Someone else would need to be the GM or whatever they are called. I will give my full support to the GM to help them along and tell them how to best setup the game. So who ever feels like doing the leader part don't think I am sticking you out in the cold without even the slightest support.
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 18th, 2007, 12:43 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

Amongst the changes in the next patch will be the replacement of Minerals and all Mineral icons with "MC" for Mega Credit. How much is a MC, more than a buck less than infinity. Organics will remain unchanged using the default SE5 icon. Finally I am thinking of changing the Radioactives icon with a little figure of a person. I have no art skills so it may just be as simple as a stick figure. I will try to search the net and probably ask David if he can help me. The challenge is that it must be discernible as the figure of a person and still fit in an area no larger than 19x19 pixels. If all else fails I can always go with this == [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Running.gif[/img]. I seriously doubt David would even find this fun much less a challenge. I think I will PM him after this post as I don't want a person running, it looks dorky you know?

Anyway back on the Radioactives, or Personnel as they will be called. I am thinking of setting this to be the same as the number of crew that hull size calls for. So lets take a Destroyer for example. A DD requires 30 crew so the initial cost would be 30 Personnel and maintenance would be 4 or maybe 5 if SE5 rounds up. I'm not sure? This would reflect the initial crew for manning the ship and the maintenance would reflect the crew rotation. New members coming on board to replace those who have rotated to another ship or left the service, etc. Thoughts anyone?
President Elect Shang; Tal-Re Republic of Free Worlds
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Old January 18th, 2007, 01:36 PM
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Default Re: Bugs ?

I like the idea, considering it is like the table top game. Yet how does this interfact with SEV crew and control requirements? Do those thirty crew equal the number of crew SEV requires? Also since crew is taken from the population, how does this 'new' resource (crew/radioactives) correspond to the population of the plant?
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