I'll finish my short story eventually. Here is version 1.0 Beta of the Mod.
Changes (1.0):
* Added Carthacian Irregulars for use as cheap blood patrollers and stealth troops.
* Changed the PD so that's it all hoburgs (used to have weird clockwork stuff.)
* Fixed slots on the demon boar. Demon boar is now 10% insane.
* Gave the Mammon Horror Awe.
* Shrank the pics for the trebuchet, blood priest and blood cardinal.
* Added a bunch more sprites.
* Increased attack skill for the larger clockwork monsters.
* Hero - Ratzinger, the Blood Pope. 4H 2N 3B 2E 1W 1S, inquisitor.
* Hero - Maria, the Golden Maiden. 18 hp metal man with 1H 2A 1S, stealth, seduce 15, illusion and awe.
* Added "molech horror" national summon - is a sacred red clockwork horror that horrormarks people and has a small lifedrain. 13 blood slaves gets you five of them.
* Added "beast of mammon" national summon - is a sacred gold-tinted clockwork beast with awe that spreads your dominion. 10 astral pearls gets you one of them.
Changes (0.2):
* Initial army no longer consists of priests (oops.)
* Bigger clockwork monsters cost more resources and do not heal outside of labs. Trebuchet costs fewer resources and thrown boulders hit harder.
* Nerfed the berg pike slightly. It's now just like a golden spear but not magical.
* Bludvater and bludcardinal (priest/mage/generals) are more lightly armored and do not have helmets. Several units no longer have two shields (oops).
* Added sprites for most units.
* Added three national pretenders.
Future plans:
* National, magic-being-only version of Gift of Reason, if a future patch supports the magic-beings-only #spec field for this effect.
* Finish short story.