Lots of fixes for Alliances in the latest beta. Should be ready for the official patch next week - assuming nothing major is broken.
Version 1.55:
1. Fixed - The popup help was incorrect for "Toggle AI" on the TCP/IP Host window.
2. Fixed - Increased the communications timeout to 60 seconds on the TCP/IP Player window.
3. Fixed - If you tried to restart a TCP/IP game without exiting the program it would often fail.
4. Fixed - Movement log was not loading correctly.
5. Fixed - Starting positions on the Game Setup window will now only allow you to select a system
if it has a physical type of "Normal" and a "Empires Can Start In" of TRUE.
6. Fixed - Planets with memory owners were still showing up as colonizable and empty in the Planets window.
7. Fixed - The Quadrant Map was not showing ownership from sight memory.
8. Fixed - Generated fleet names were incorrect past 10.
9. Fixed - The estimate of another empire should never report 0 races or 0 solar systems unless their dead.
10. Fixed - Statistics and Pending Messages were not getting cleared when saving an empire to file.
11. Fixed - Ships were turning the wrong direction in the Movement Replay.
12. Fixed - Sys_Get_System_Queues_Specific_Facility_Count was not working correctly.
13. Fixed - The scripts functions for stellar manipulation are now working.
14. Fixed - External events causing stellar events are now working correctly.
15. Fixed - Replays of stellar events would sometimes not look correct.
16. Changed - Any planet in SystemTypes.txt which uses "Offset X Ring Y" will be considered a moon and have the same
name as the parent planet (Offset X) plus a letter.
17. Fixed - "Planet Maximum Population" ability was not working for facilities.
18. Fixed - "Trade Modifier" ability was not working.
19. Fixed - The Mothball order should execute even if a ship or base has zero movement remaining.
20. Fixed - You should not get multiple messages of taking damage through a warp point for the same group of ships.
21. Fixed - Sometimes early AI troop designs would have no weapons on them.
22. Fixed - Capture Pods were not changing their height over the combat map to close with their target.
23. Fixed - Happiness was considering ships of a fellow alliance member as enemies.
24. Fixed - AI should be communicating with alliances correctly now.
25. Fixed - Proposing a message for an alliance was not working.
26. Added - Script function "Sys_Get_Number_Of_Alliances".
27. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Is_Alliance_Known".
28. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Get_Status_With_Alliance".
29. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Get_Status_Time_With_Alliance".
30. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Set_Message_To_Alliance".
31. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Set_Mood_Towards_Alliance".
32. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Set_Anger_Pct_Towards_Aliance".
33. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Get_Treaty_Name_Between_Player _And_Alliance".
34. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Is_Alliance_Ally".
35. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Politics_Is_Alliance_Enemy".
36. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Log_Get_Log_Entry_Message_From_Alliance".
37. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Log_Get_Log_Entry_Message_Param_Against _Alliance".
38. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Log_Get_Log_Entry_Caused_By_Alliance".
39. Added - Script function "Sys_Empire_Log_Set_Log_Entry_Message_Param_Against _Alliance".
40. Added - Script function "Sys_Alliance_Get_Emperor_Title".
41. Added - Script function "Sys_Alliance_Get_Emperor_Name".
42. Added - Script function "Sys_Alliance_Get_Alliance_Name".
43. Added - Script function "Sys_AI_Empire_Stats_Get_Alliance_Score".
44. Added - Script function "Sys_Game_Settings_Get_AI_Difficulty".
45. Added - A view button to proposal and message details in the Alliance Chambers window.
46. Fixed - The message report window for a message from an alliance was not displaying correctly.
47. Added - "Sent To:" and "Reply To:" lines to the Alliance Proposal list.
48. Added - A log message given to empires if they are in an alliance and there are proposals to vote on.