Originally Posted by vfb
Originally Posted by Micah
Temple spread is almost certainly after preaching.
I also had a mystery dominion point in Artifacts on turn 2, where I had more candles on turn 2 than I possibly could have (3 for pretender, 1 for VP, 1 for home, 1 for temple, 1 for prophet and 1 starting for a total of 8, but I'm fairly certain I had 9 candles on turn 2 of the game.) Not a huge deal, but indicative of a possible bug.
No dom lucky event in turn 2? You mean more candles that should have been possible in a single province? Or more candles total around your cap?
If you had a lucky event in a province you didn't own but you had dominion in, you could get a dominion increase without the message. Just like barbarians popping up in to join an indy army when you've got misfortune.
More in total. And I'm pretty sure I didn't have any events, I can check later.
I base my assertion that preaching comes before temple spread on a few observations. One of the most notable ones was getting dom-killed in Rand Redux despite having a pile of bakemono shaman preaching on my sieged cap temple, which had a few candles of mine in it to start. My opponent didn't have significant amounts of priests there, but he did have prophet and pretender...I preach to my max of 3 dom and then his 4 checks knock out my remaining candles, otherwise his checks would have knocked me down to 0 or -1 but my 8-10 preachers should have easily been able to get that back to a positive amount...I'm assuming dom-death isn't checked until the end of the turn since that's when the message arrives, as opposed to mid-phase, though I guess that could throw things off.