Re: Adept's Balance Mod 1.00 ready
I'm afraid you guys are right. I can't find a formula that would work.
By the pricing used in other Dominions nations the units should be a touch more expensive than they are for their skill, but I guess the reduced hitpoints give an excuse to ignore that.
I've adjusted the prices like this:
samurai: 11 gold (veteran troops, defence 11, morale 11)
(should be gold 12)
O-ban: 14 gold (11 / 11 skill, mor 12)
(should be 15 gold)
Go-Hatamoto 17 gold (att 12 / def 11, mor 13)
Aka-Oni Samurai: 20 gold (att 12 / def 12, mor 14)
They get a progression of +3 gold each which is nice and consistent. I'm gonna leave the Aka-Oni samurai as generic tough guys. Too bad, but I just can't find a way to fit any ability with their description.
An updated 1.01 version will be out in a few hours.