I find it distressing....
...that, in a relatively short time, I've completely researched the tech tree, technologically, left the competition behind, outfitted my ships with the latest gear made an incursion (yes, I'm MEE now and I haven't done anything to anyone, but, that's another post) into a competitors airspace and with over 100 ships against his dozen battleships was completely decimated. So, I am now reduced to isolating his systems, one by one, and just attrition-izing him to death.
The gripe: I gain no advantage at all by being the most developed race.
The fix: I ought to be able to keep researching stuff and, like MOO, develop miniaturization on the particular components. This would allow me to put more of an item in the same slot space and would give an advantage to being intellectually superior.
Just a thought...
Spyder, Chairman of the Arachnid Consortium
Spyder, Chairman of the Arachnid Consortium