ATF: Assigning Paths/Prerequisite Data
Yesterday, I was jumping for joy at finally figuring out how to copy and paste data from the clipboard to be used in AI scripting. Today, I'm weeping.
My intent:
I want my an enemy platoon to attack an LZ when friendly forces arrive.
1. Drew path for desired enemy unit to LZ, making sure the unit was not in stop mode, then cut the path.
2. Went into AI Faction->Create->Prerequisite Data->Add->Route. I gave the route a name, and left other boxes empty, and clicked ok. The builder asked me if I wanted to use the path on clipboard. I clicked yes, and path was added.
3. Went and drew an event Box around the LZ
4. Went back to AI Faction->Edit->Enemy->Phase Order->Sustain Order->Then set up an Event Box. I tagged the helicopter company to hierarchy giving them a setting of 0 greater than/not equal to.
5. Then set up an order Assign Path, chose the unit, and selected the path stored in game.
So why the heck aren't they moving?
I tried to test my plan in the builder. I drew a path to for the helicopters to the LZ. Nothing happens.
I assigned the enemy force I wanted to move a formation. When the helios reach the LZ, they seem to form up, but stop.
Any info would be appreciated.