Re: patch 2.08 is out
NT Jedi,
I actually agree with you that it is unsatisfying to have creatures autokilled after 50 turns. I've had that happen to perfectly functional units that were still attacking at the end of turn 50, still very much alive and kicking. Zap! You're dead! You didn't finish the combat in time!
I still think that the lack of instant protection reductions for "defenseless," paralyzed creatures with no allies on the field of battle is a design flaw. And I'm not sure that you necessarily disagree with me, though you do seem to object to the death of paralyzed SCs.
So that we're actually addressing the other person's concerns in the situation, let me ask you this: What do you think the most detrimental yet fair thing would be that would most likely cause the death of a "defenseless" paralyzed supercombatant? We are talking about a supercombatant...let's leave aside what kind for the moment...which is paralyzed and has no allies on the field of battle either on the ground or associated with any defensive structure.
I can see removal of items that provide defensive shields, including charcoal shields. Because the paralyzed SC can't keep the other unit from taking it out of his hands. The act of removing the item would remove its protections. Can you agree that this might occur?
Let us assume for the moment that the devs would agree not to autokill attackers on the field of battle after turn 50.