July 13th, 2004, 09:26 AM
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Re: Save the Trees! [Fire Susceptibility]
Originally posted by Norfleet:
You can get to fire immune from fire susceptible, but it takes more equipment slots than a Treelord has.
The stacking rules for item immunity is currently that no immunity of a given type and magnitude stacks with an immunity of identical type and magnitude: Thus, you can stack 100 FR with 50 FR for 150 FR, but you cannot stack 100 FR with another 100 FR, or 50 FR with another 50 FR.
As for spells, a unit refuses to cast spells for resistance if it currently has ANY resistance. Also, it does not appear to be the case that resistances from the same school of magic will stack with themselves: Instead, the best is used.
One thing you can try is maybe stacking "Phoenix Power" (50 FR, Fire) with "Resist Fire" (W+E Version). PP should raise resistance to neutral, which means that he should still be willing to cast resistance. [/QB]
These were very helpful suggestions, Norfleet! I appreciate your time.
Good point about the Treelord being limited by it's slots. I searched for a unit with full slots that was vulnerable to fire and found the Icaryd Champion.
The item theory may have been true in earlier Versions, but testing in 2.12 shows that the maximum you can improve any one resistance via items is +100% from baseline. I used a Icaryd Champion with -50% Fire Reisistance (50% Fire Susceptability) and gave him a Ring of Fire (100% FR) and a Dragon Helmet (50% FR). He gets only 50% Fire Resistance.
I also tested your theory out about different schools of magic perhaps offering the possibility of breaking the 100% cap, but alas, it was not to be. I tried multiple combinations of Pheonix Power, Resist Fire, Fire Resistance, Fire Shield and even Wendigo's suggestion about Elemental Fortitude. The way the game is set up, the maximum you can get from any combination of items and spells, regardless of school, is 100% above the baseline.
Anyone else have suggestions for work arounds?
I am looking for a six-fingered man.