Pricing of Mages ... is it balanced?
I've compared some prices of the mages ...
First of all I noticed there're a too high variable according to the stat of the piece, instead of the lvls of Magic.
I believe this is wrong! There're mages that have 2-3 hit points more than other mages (like Abysya compared with every human mage) ... and this increases the cost of a lot of gold!
Meanwhile the *battle-mages* (Vantype Leaders, Thuata-type, or Jotunians who've a lot of hit points), I see some mages with like 8 hit points, or such, 8 strenght ... usually a stat totally irrilevant since one arrow bolt, or 1 generic hit will kill every low protection mage, not depending if having 10 or 12 or 8 hit points.
So on ... think like an Abysyan Warlock Acolite (3 lvl mage, 2 blood, 1 astral) costs 150 gold.
For the same price Pythium gets an holy (halved unkeep), 4 lvl mage (2 astral, 1 water, 1 air) and a lvl 3 priest!
Think on Caelum, a non capitol only mage with 3 Air, 1 water, 1 random ... for 180 gold!
I believe base mage stat should count far less in pricing the mage, and magic paths should do the big job, with special skills (fire immune, heat aura, cold immune, holy and such).
- Cohen
- The Paladin of the Lost Causes
- The Prophet of the National Armyes
- The Enemy of the SC and all the overpowered and unbalanced things.