A rather amazing event happened in my current game... seems like the Cue Cappa's "strategy" (if that can be called as such...) of fitting allegiance subverters on every combat ship they have backfired on themselves!
This battle took place at one of the warp points in a border system next to the Cue Cappa. I had a single
Close Combat CA 1 class cruiser with a large mount subverter on board defending this warp point, and 4 Cue Cappa cruisers jumped in. What happened next was a "subverter chain-reaction", my ship took over one of the enemy cruisers, that ship in turn took over another, then the third, then the forth. My ship managed to bag 4 enemy ships with ONE shot!
Lesson learned: Never put too many subverter-armed ships in a fleet if I don't have master computers!
[This message has been edited by CW (edited 08 July 2001).]