Re: Characters as cargo
I don't believe so. I have two components in the STM that are 0 cost KT but have 1 or 2 kt hit points that are limited to one per ship and seem to respect that restriction.
I really wish Aaron would have included a Hero system with SEIV like the one used in Rebellion. Who knows, my fingers are crossed for future games but I don't know - right now its just a nice thought.
The using a Facility as a leader is a good work around but again, what is stopping people from using them more than once? There are no limitis available for facilities, say for one per system on some abilities, which if used for a hero cannot be used for a facility.
Hero components are a novel idea and one that has not been exploited thus far. Sure we have a few who use them in a couple of mods, but really, I would love to see more in the way of generic uses. However, the likelyhood that a hero - say Admiral Thawn, could be used on every ship in the fleet kinda negates the prupose of having a single Hero such as Thawn. So we are back to generic "captain" components. Boring.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.