I couldn't model closed warp points for several reasons. Off the top of my head; The AI will still path even if a warp point is given a "cloak" sort of ability/effect. Any player that comes out at the closed end of a warp point still won't be able to see it, they would need to write down its location and keep track of it that way. That would be a pain in the butt! Also a player can cheat to find closed wp's the same way the AI would, just give a ship movement orders and wait to see if it passes through the closed end of a wp.
That's a nice model, if you are feeling generous I could really use some art and beta testing help. An opening logo or even ship sets would be too sweet. As it stands now I am using stock items and not looking at learning the art side until later next year. Can I still say next year with only an hour and ten minutes left or should I say this year?