Re: New Map: Antilarium
Thanks for the compliments!
I don't know about the dominion-kill, I haven't seen that on any of my playtests. I just uncovered the starvation thing myself; I unthinkingly made some of the Victory provinces just too overloaded with defense troops, so they all disease and die off. I'm going to have to scale back accordingly, find a way to mod those provinces' supply rating (I don't think that's an option, but please correct me if I'm wrong!), or start doling out cauldrons to the defenders. Either way, I'll post an update later this month after I've done more testing.
I could have generated a slightly higher resolution, but I thought the current size was a good compromise based upon some of the other maps out there. I even worked with Photoshop's ability to reduce size through color indexing.
The ocean size isn't as big as it appears, in gameplay. However, I have witnessed the Thetis Blessing be *quite* significant on this map.
I might be able to tweak the tranparencies of the mountains and trees on the update. I didn't want them to be too obtrusive, however, and muss up the watercolor effect too much.
Thanks for the feedback!