Conceptual Balance 1.21
Documentation is still unfortunately lagging behind the changes, but here is a rough list of updates:
*Dwarven hammers back to base game prices.
*Independent commanders now cost only slightly more than in the base game.
*Mother of monsters spawns monsters.
*Phoenix has auto phoenix pyre effect.
*Mother of Rivers has auto rain effect.
*Star of heroes, star of thraldom, evening star made area of effect.
*Worthy Heroes 1.8 merged into CB complete/nations.
*Several troop summons made commanders (demon jesters, scorpion men, kithaironic lions, giant eagles, amphithetre).
*Many national summons improved.
*Bear claw talisman cheaper.
*Moon warriors improved.
*New nations updated to fit CB.
Version 1.21:
*Fixed aoe weapon bugs.
*Fixed Starting troop and recruitment bugs.
*Fixed several residual item changes that should have been removed (thistle mace, charcoal shield, research items).
*Fixed magic scale bug.
*Magic (x)bow items improved.
Last edited by lch; August 25th, 2008 at 06:45 PM..